php - Why does Instagram's pagination return the same page over and over? -
the code i've created php class communicate instagram's api. using private function called api_request (shown below) communicate instagram's api: private function api_request( $request = null ) { if ( is_null( $request ) ) { $request = $this->request["httprequest"]; } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( $request, array( "timeout" => 10, "content-type" => "application/json" ) ) ); try { $response = json_decode( $body, true ); $this->data["pagination"] = $response["pagination"]["next_url"]; $this->data["response"] = $response["data"]; $this->setup_data( $this->data ); } catch ( exception $ex ) { $this->data = null; } } these 2 lines of code... $this->data["pagination"] = $response["pagination...