
Showing posts from March, 2013

accessibility - Adobe Reader cannot correctly read out loud table in tagged document -

i'm trying create accessible table adobe reader pronounce 'correctly'. means before pronouncing contents of cell speaks name of header of current column (or row). (it explained better @ first link below). for i've created single-page document table this. +------+-----+-----+ | name | sex | age | +------+-----+-----+ |antony|male | 26 | +------+-----+-----+ |robert|male | 36 | +------+-----+-----+ then "touch reading order" tool i've changed properties of each cell create references header cells. it expected pronounce: "name. antony. sex. male. age. twenty six. name. robert. sex. male. age. thirty six." read table row row. maybe didn't enable something? i've used links prepare document: (associating data cells row , column headers)

remove button and use dropdown box in hta-vbscript -

i new hta & vbscript . have **hta** script downloaded internet delay reboot of computer. there button delay such 30 min, 45 min, 60 min etc. use combobox(dropdown box) instead of button. i want vbscript work dropdown box. below code of hta. <html> <head> <title>reboot notification</title> <hta:application id="omyapp" applicationname="reboot notification" border="dialog" borderstyle="normal" caption="yes" scroll="no" maximizebutton="no" minimizebutton="no" showintaskbar="no" singleinstance="yes" sysmenu="no"/> </head> <script language = "vbscript"> dim intminutes dim intseconds dim strhtaproc set objshell = createobject("") sub window_onload ...

file download with curl and php -

i wrote php function downloads (.exe) files using curl extension. file gets downloaded, when try open not compatible error. opened using notepad++ , there see '200' added beginning of file. can't understand '200' comes ? here function: $source = isset($_get['link']) ? $_get['link'] : ''; #get download link $filename = isset($_get['name']) ? $_get['name'] : 'download.exe'; # define name if($source != '') { $handle = curl_init($source); curl_setopt($handle, curlopt_returntransfer, true); /* html or whatever linked in $url. */ $response = curl_exec($handle); /* check 403 (forbidden). */ $httpcode = curl_getinfo($handle, curlinfo_http_code); if($httpcode == 403) { echo "<h2> <font color='red'> sorry not allowed download file.</font><h2>"; } else { ...

c# - Paypal, how do I find out when someone makes a purchase? -

in general: c# server getting transactions hosted items type: shopping cart type: subscriptions data: custom field callbacks? not web i setting minecraft server , require purchases recognised possible, there way callbacks when purchases made , if there isn't - how payment history? list payment resources has been complete waste of time looking topic finds transactions api can't see other parts in find transactions generated hosted buttons. does know of information , better documentation - far paypal has been worst api work with. before using ipn, choose payment product gives immediate response when payment made. for example, may choose express checkout classic api ( ) or payment rest api ( ). both return immediate response when payment made, , know if payment successful. in case ipn...

MongoDB - I can't find the filesize of my database -

strangely, on mongodb 3.0.3 standalone server, after running db.stats() command on database output not showing information filesize of database except non existing ones : > use mybase switched db mybase > show collections xmlcache system.profile > db.stats() { "db" : "mybase", "collections" : 2, "objects" : 62228, "avgobjsize" : 139963.13608022113, "datasize" : 8709626032, "storagesize" : 3128832000, "numextents" : 0, "indexes" : 9, "indexsize" : 15106048, "ok" : 1 } > db.runcommand({ dbstats: 1, scale: 1 }) { "db" : "mybase", "collections" : 2, "objects" : 63765, "avgobjsize" : 138065.89466007997, "datasize" : 8803771773, "storagesize" : 3129327616, "n...

Java JMapViewer: How can I change the color of a MapPolygon? -

i'm creating application drawing pollution information on jmapviewer. want mappolygons, didn't find documentation it. succeeded create new mappolygons this: private mappolygon getpolygon(double lat, double lon, color col){ list<coordinate> coords = new arraylist<>(); //add points list... mappolygon poly = new mappolygonimpl(coords); return poly; } i'm wondering how change color , remove border of mappolygon. there no function setcolor or such... i tried directly constructor, doesn't work: mappolygon poly = new mappolygonimpl(coords,, new basicstroke(0)); does know how can change color of mappolygon? thanks! because mappolygonimpl extends mapobjectimpl , mappolygonimpl inherits setcolor() , setbackcolor() mapobjectimpl . mappolygonimpl uses these colors in implementation of paint() . colors stored in parent class's style attribute, initialized calling getdefaultstyle() during construction. you c...

java - Spring passing ModelMap model attributes to JSP -

i having problems passing modelmap attribute tsp page. intelij idea recognizes variable passing well, when deploy application on tomcat, , actual page loaded, can see variable names, instead of variable values. trying print data .jsp view. web.xml: <!doctype web-app public "-//sun microsystems, inc.//dtd web application 2.3//en" "" > <web-app version="3.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <display-name>orange home web application</display-name> <!-- definition of root spring container shared servlets , filters --> <context-param> <param-name>contextconfiglocation</param-name> <param-value> ...

r - geom_path diameter to scale with coordinate system -

i'm using ggplot plot trajectories. size (diameter or radius) of geom_path line respect coordinate system. here reproducible code: x <- c(1,5,3,7,6) y <- c(0,6,4,4,8) data <-, y)) ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_path(size = 2, lineend = "round") + coord_fixed(ratio = 1) in case, i'd diameter of line 2 coordinate system units.

jsp - Handle two URL pattern form one controller in Spring MVC -

i'm learning spring mvc using spring tool suite in eclipse base package org.springtest.test , i've create 2 jsp pages under view folder index.jsp , home.jsp. i'm trying use home.jsp welcome page. when i'm trying access http://localhost:8081/test/ , http://localhost:8081/test/index.jsp gives index.jsp page.i tried add home page in welcome file-list.but same result.please web.xml , controller can fix this?. package org.springtest.test; import java.text.dateformat; import; import java.util.locale; import org.slf4j.logger; import org.slf4j.loggerfactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.controller; import org.springframework.ui.model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestmapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestmethod; @controller public class homecontroller { private static final logger logger = loggerfactory .getlogger(homecontroller.class); @reque...

ssas - Checking Multiple condition in case statement using MDX query -

how write below case statement in mdx.i moved below mentioned columns in fact table. sum(case when issummary = 1 , isaudited = 1 , finalauditflag = 1 1 else 0 end) auditscompleted,--count - completed audits i tried below mdx query. with member [measures].[count] ( case ([measures].currentmember ) when 0 ([measures].[is summary] ) else 1 end ) select {[measures].[count]} on 0, [dim_table1].[tableid].members on 1 [dsv] what have done correct. change .currentmember actual measure in cube. when have following referring i.e. currentmember black arrow referring measure count black arrow... this in advwrks : select {[measures].[internet sales amount]} on 0 ,{[product].[product categories].[category]} on 1 [adventure works]; it returns this: if want replace empty cell components can use case : with member [measures].[count] ...

sql - Why I can't perform this simple insert operation? How can I solve this date format issue? -

i not database , have following problem trying implement simple insert query involve date field on oracle database. so have table named flusso_xmlsdi have following structure (this result of select *): numero_fattura data_emissione xml ----------------------------------------------------------- 2502064160 11-gen-2014 text 2502064161 15-gen-2014 text 2502064162 25-gen-2014 text where data_emissione field date type. now, have insert new record using values extracted xml , this: insert flusso_xmlsdi (numero_fattura, data_emissione, xml) values (2503985924, 2015-06-16, 'test'); but have problem data_emissione field because obtain following error message trying performing previous query: errore con inizio alla riga 3 nel comando: insert flusso_xmlsdi (numero_fattura, data_emissione, xml) values (2503985924, 2015-06-16, 'test') errore alla riga del comando:4 colonna:27 report errori: errore sql: ora-00932: ...

iis - Maximum concurrent calls to WCF service -

we have wcf service hosted in iis (win 2012). expect thousands of messages coming throughout day, peak around 4k concurrent messages. these 1 way (async) requests , wcf service performs processing take several seconds each request. - there limitations on max concurrent requests can sent wcf svc hosted on iis? depend on thread availability on server? settings needs tweaking useful. in scenario, have less number of async requests coming wcf svc, each request service performs few things parallely (parallel.foreach). maximum parallel threads available in scenario , depend on other factors? settings needs tweaking useful.

ios - Unreproducible crash: [__NSArrayI enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance -

i keep getting crash reports following crash: *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: '-[__nsarrayi enumerateobjectsusingblock:]: unrecognized selector sent instance what triggering crash? empty array or not array @ all? not able reproduce crash myself, can see in crash logs. you have memory issue, fact can't regularly reproduce suggests memory issue. the error getting saying, "we tried call method on object have pointer to, unfortunately object not type of object told me going be." i can speculate given information you've provided. take fine tooth comb through code , make sure not changing object prior crash happening. try adding debug check make sure correct class. nsasserts not solution, not compiled production apps but, should find cause of error. nsassert([myobject iskindofclass:[nsarray class]], @"aw snap not array!"); post more info , can try further

storm caching in topology level available for all bolts -

,but need cache retrieve data database , put in compare cache incoming tuples.based on can proceed next.that cache should refreshed based on given time .what cache should implement,so bolts use single cache. note:if implement cache in bolt level bolts executed in each bolts maintain each need topology level bolts uses single cache. if know tell me. you should use tick tuples it. please, see article below describes needed.

java - How to ensure maven artifact version compatibility -

i have same problem when start new project. create pom artifacts need regularly have problem artifacts version compatibility... for exemple, use org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager-5.0.0.cr1 , want use org.hibernate:hibernate-annotations latest version 3.5.6-final. don't have clue version use ensure compatibility... do have way process avoid problem?

Cassandra Read time out after mass delete -

we create table “bidresponses”, schema following. create table yp_rtb_new.bidresponses ( time_id bigint, campaignid int, bidid text, adid int, adsize text, appname text, … primary key (time_id, campaignid, bidid) ) , set ttl of table 3days. insert 20m records per day. notice weird thing. in first 3 days, run “select * bidresponses limit 10”. after 3rd—mass delete happened because of ttl, when ran “select * bidresponses limit 10” , got time out error; running “select * bidresponses time_id=?”,there no problem. tried force compact, doesn’t help. after restarting cluster, run “select * bidresposnse limit 10” again. idea? i'm guessing cassandra had read through lot of tombstones (data marked deletion) find data. that, , "select * table;" full table/multiple partition scan cause timeouts, depending on many factors (tombstones, number of nodes, number of partitions etc). when specified 'time_id=?', told cassandra partition wa...

java - Freebase Search API - Get All Results -

is possible results freebase search api? today trying 2 approaches in java: 1)" using "cursor"(integer) , "limit" options. 2) try simulate 'query editor' ( using "cursor" previous results set (string). but in both of these approaches got - 200 (first option) - 500 (second option) records (should 6000 records) ... after several iterations have got - "request large, cursor: 200, limit: 200" (first option, 1 iteration) - "cursor false" (second option, 6 iterations) message. is freebase problem or may api limitations? how results? without specifics it's little difficult problem is, search api not intended return complete results. mqlread api should return ...

Modifying a matrix using Nested list comprehension in python -

i assigning values nested matrix in traditional loop. matrix= [[0 j in range(3)]for in range(3)] value = 10 #setting value particular row in matrix in range(3): if == 2: j in range(3): matrix[i][j] = 10 #setting value particular column in matrix val = 20 in range(3): j in range(3): if j == 1: matrix[i][j] = 20 can assigning of values matrix done in nested list comprehension? did try : matrix = [[value j in if j == col ]for in matrix] but isn't modifying matrix, instead creates new can accomplish nested list comprehensions? your example can done using numpy arrays. import numpy np matrix = np.zeros((3,3)) # setting row matrix[1] = 10 # setting column matrix[:,1] = 20

c# - Windows service: Get username when user log on -

my windows service should save name of user, logon/logoff @ moment. following code works me didn't save username: protected override void onsessionchange(sessionchangedescription changedescription) { try { string user = ""; foreach (managementobject currentobject in _wmicomputersystem.getinstances()) { user +=["username"].value.tostring().trim(); } switch (changedescription.reason) { case sessionchangereason.sessionlogon: writelog(constants.logtype.continue, "logon - program continues: " + user); oncontinue(); break; case sessionchangereason.sessionlogoff: writelog(constants.logtype.pause, "logoff - program paused: " + user); onpause(); break; ...

Map function in R for multiple regression -

my goal run multiple regression on each dependent variable in list, using of independent variables in list. store best model each dependent variable aic. i have written below function guided this post . however, instead of employing each independent variable individually, i'd run model against entire list multiple regression. any tips on how build function? dep<-list("mpg~","cyl~","disp~") # list of unique dependent variables ~ indep<-list("hp","drat","wt") # list of first unique independent variables models<- map(function(x,y) step(lm(as.formula(paste(x,paste(y),collapse="+")),data=mtcars),direction="backward"),dep,indep) start: aic=88.43 mpg ~ hp df sum of sq rss aic <none> 447.67 88.427 - hp 1 678.37 1126.05 115.943 start: aic=18.56 cyl ~ drat df sum of sq rss aic <none> ...

oop - basic trouble opening a file with python object oriented programming script -

i'm new oop , having trouble writing , executing basic script open , read file. i'm getting error ioerror: [errno 2] no such file or directory: '--profile-dir' when run this. what's wrong , how should fix it? class testing(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.words = self.file_to_text() def file_to_text(self): open(filename, "r") file_opened: text = words = text.split() return words alice = testing("alice.txt").file_to_text() print alice also, if i'd able make executable command line, these tweaks should make work, right? import sys ... alice = testing(sys.argv[1]).file_to_text() print alice line input in command line run it-----> ./ alice.txt thanks in advance guys. somewhere have filename = '--profile-dir' defined, being used in with open(filename, "r") , use wi...

css - Why is this Cycle 2 malsup jquery carousel not working with links? -

so carousel works fine when looks this: <div class="banners cycle-slideshow" id="carousel" data-cycle-fx="fadeout" data-cycle-slides="> img" data-cycle-timeout="5000" data-cycle-swipe="true"> <img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src=""/> </div> however want links on each of these images when put <a href=""></a> around each of images, , change data-cycle-slides data-cycle-slides="> img" to of these data-cycle-slides="> a" data-cycle-slides="a" it doesn't work. instead carousel show first image, when next 1 comes it's blank until first image comes around again. does 1 have experience cycle 2 carousel malsup can me out? the approach took utilize custom caption feature. have no idea if "correct" approach, worked me, , maybe t...

javascript - Calculate random scores -

i developing game , whenever player finishes level want him win points. after 100 rounds user must have won exact 1000 points dont want him win 10points per round because boring. how can add randomness situation? possible? thanks in advance! yes possible, unnecessary. there many crude ways score close 1000 after 100 rounds. if players score higher (10*roundnumber) award 5-10 points. if less award 10-15. 1 example of crude way this.

SQL Syntax Error Missing Operator MS Access -

i'm trying run query update field in 1 table if field in table equal test. here code: update table1 t1 inner join table2 t2 on t1.field1 = t2.f_name set t1.field4 = (case when t2.playfield = 'test' 'test' else 'no test' end); however, receive syntax error (missing operator) when run it. not sure i'm doing wrong... since want understand issue..your sql : update table1 t1 inner join table2 t2 on t1.field1 = t2.f_name set t1.field4 = (case when t2.playfield = 'test' 'test' else 'no test' end); ms access doesn't support case statement. looks sql server, not ms access. you try: set t1.field4 = iif([t2].[playfield]='test','test','no test'); this says: set t1.field = if t2.playfield = 'test' , use word 'test', if doesn't use 'no test'.

sql - Pivot sample with dynamic columns -

i've seen many pivot examples didn't find applies case. hope can give me hand. i have these 2 tables entities performance +----------+--------+----------+ | identiry | idweek | idresult | +----------+--------+----------+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 1 | 1 | | 3 | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 2 | | 1 | 3 | 3 | | 2 | 3 | 1 | | … | … | … | | 1 | 10 | 1 | +----------+--------+----------+ number of weeks dynamic number of entities dynamic performance details +----------+-------------+--------+ | idresult | description | color | +----------+-------------+--------+ | 1 | bad | red | | 2 | average | yellow | | 3 | | green | +----------+-------------+--------+ and desired output | weeks ...

python - Default login_required rather than adding decorator everywhere -

i'm using flask-httpauth handle authentication in app. have lot of views, , don't want add login_required every 1 of them. how can make login required default? from flask.ext.httpauth import httpbasicauth auth = httpbasicauth() @auth.verify_password def verify_password(username, password): return username == '111' , password == '222' @app.route('/') @app.route('/home/') @auth.login_required def index(): return 'hello' @app.route('/route2/') def route2(): return 'route2' app.secret_key = 'a0zr98j/3yx r~xhh!jmn]lwx/,?rt' you can add before_request function require login default, , create simple login_exempt decorator few routes don't require it. make sure exempt static files, otherwise won't load unauthenticated users. flask-httpauth's login_required doesn't have way separate require logic view decorator, need go through little dance require auth without runnin...

How to pass a parameter from one .jsp page to another using JSF -

i'm creating small project consists in creating small e-shop using jsf 2.1. problem encountering following: want display "hi, customername" customername name of customer logged in, same admin. example admin called "trevor" logs in, , app redirects page says "hi, trevor". it goes fine first time that, using: <h:outputformat value="welcome, {0}."> <f:param value="#{}" /> </h:outputformat> but if perform operation, creating , persisting product, if @ end make user click button return loggedadminhomepage.jsp, displays "welcolme, null". how can display admin/user name every time performs operation , returns homepage?

xml - XSL-FO Stylesheets & Xalan XSLTransformation Engine -

i'm using arbortext publisher (not confused arbortext editor). google research tells me arbortext publisher application utilizes xalan xsl transformation engine (as opposed saxon) convert xml pdf. however, xsl-fo stylesheets need use don't seem recognizable xalan engine. possible somehow edit xsl-fo stylesheets may compatible xalan engine? opinion appreciated. in advance.

ruby - Capistrano current/ directory doesn't get created -

the current directory doesn't created capistrano when trying deploy first time. i try deploy:check project , fine, when deploy process ends in error: debug [8d5bfb3a] directory not exist '/home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current' cap aborted! if test ! -d /home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current; echo "directory not exist '/home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current'" 1>&2; false; fi exit status: 1 if test ! -d /home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current; echo "directory not exist '/home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current'" 1>&2; false; fi stdout: nothing written if test ! -d /home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current; echo "directory not exist '/home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current'" 1>&2; false; fi stderr: directory not exist '/home/deployer/apps/reputationmonitor-api/current' /users/ngw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@ec-api/gems/ss...

jsf - Setting f:setPropertyActionListener value with a f:param value -

i'm trying use setpropertyactionlistener tag set value in backing bean. however, doesn't work expected. context: userservice instance of backing bean, contains int member, reqid. this, in turn, key map of objects belong class called user. i'm trying create page list instances of user, , provide button visit separate view shows particular user's information. this, i'm attempting set userservice.reqid id of chosen user can generate reference user next view (which done in call userservice.touserinfo ). if use xhtml snippet below: <ui:define name="content"> <h:form> <h:panelgrid> <ui:repeat value="#{userservice.userlist.getuserlist()}" var="user"> <li> <h:outputtext value="#{}" /> <h:commandbutton value="view details of #{}" action=...

r - Parameterized ggplot2 histogram/density aes function cannot find object -

i've created histogram/density plot function want y axis count rather density, having problems parameterizing binwidth. i using examples based on illustrate attempts. here's successful plotmovies1 function. followed referenced url make y axis ..count.. instead of ..density.. note uses hardcoded .5 binwidth in 2 places, want parameterize ... # want y axis count, rather density, , followed # plotmovies1 <- function() { m <- ggplot(movies, aes(x = rating)) m <- m + geom_histogram(binwidth = .5) m <- m + geom_density(aes(y = .5 * ..count..)) } my first, failed naive attempt @ parameterizing binwidth in local bw in plotmovies2 ... # failed first attempt parameterize binwidth plotmovies2 <- function() { bw <- .5 m <- ggplot(movies, aes(x = rating)) m <- m + geom_histogram(binwidth = bw) # error in eval(expr, envi...

c and c++ compatibility -

i have downloaded code written in c, i've written cmakelists.txt access through eclipse , works fine , compiles. my personal code written in c++. want call c code it, , i've created cmakelists.txt takes account c code is. when build project there's no problem, long don't following instruction : // in 1 of project's .cpp : #ifdef __cplusplus extern "c" { #endif #include "c_header_file_i_need.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // core of .cpp the errors given tell me program attempting compile c code c++ compiler , therefore : nested functions void* ... are not accepted compiler. i've considered adapting c program, lot of work ... since it's 1 compiler per cmakelists, wondering how able compile 2 parts of project independently , link them, using cmakelists (because need work on platform). thank you help, , not hesitate tell me file/log need at.

How to read a Bunch of files in a directory in lua -

i have path (as string) directory. in directory, bunch of text files. want go directory open it, , go each text file , read data. i've tried f = f:read("*a") i error "nil directory" i've tried: f = io.popen(path) i error: "permission denied" is me, seems lot harder should basic file io in lua? a directory isn't file. can't open it. and yes, lua has (intentionally) limited functionality. you can use luafilesystem or luaposix , similar modules more features in area.

android - Update GridView in Asynctask doesn't work -

i have gridview, want update after 1 button clicked (i want change text , color of button after being clicked). try notifydatasetchanged(); inside onclick method nothing happened. i use asynctask store data in sharedprefereces (in postexecute), part of data "brandname" of item/button have clicked. try update de view notifydatasetchanged(); in postexecute method not working. i compare data in getview method change color of brandbutton stored in sharedprefereces , want refresh view if click in other button. p.d. sorry poor english this getview method public view getview(final int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { // todo auto-generated method stub view grid; layoutinflater inflater = (layoutinflater) mcontext .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service); if (convertview == null) { grid = new view(mcontext); grid = inflater.inflate(r.layout.grid_single, null); textview brandname = (textview) grid....

php - Many DLLs missing when installing composer (windows) -

i'm trying install composer on computer many errors missing dlls. i've downloaded of them cannot find website, download libsybcomn64.dll . however, don't think downloading each dll internet solution. i'm using windows 7 x64 , have apache 2 , php 5.6.9 installed - simple php works. i've solved myself. and i'm stupid. problem when installing php uncommented all extensions in php.ini - thought more there is, better. reset whole file , uncommented necessary - php_pdo_mysql.dll , php_openssl.dll . works. hope helpful someone...

java - Build Liferay web service with optional parameter -

i need extend existing liferay webservice (created service builder ) handle additional optional parameter. with service builder, have specify every parameters inside method signature: public string getlist(string param1){ .. } this creates get-list web service accepting parameter named param1 . have specify every parameters when making call or else call fail. if need optional parameters, pass empty value , handle missing parameter inside code. my problem backward compatibility: web service used mobile app , cannot change call made app. additional parameter must handled without changing method signature. taking @ baseserviceimpl , tried obtain parameter in way: httpservletrequest request = com.liferay.util.axis.servletutil.getrequest(); string value = paramutil.getstring(request, "param-name"); but throws noclassdefexception regarding com.liferay.util.axis.servletutil . is there way this? to enhance , retain backward compatibility of code, 1 way ...