loops - Bash script not looping as expected -

this question has answer here:

i have following script feel should loop through contents of file reads in, reason exiting after first iteration.

#!/usr/bin/bash      scriptdir=/soft/automation/scripts      cd $scriptdir      #loop through list of hosts , teardown/rebuild each     ifs=$ifs,     while read -r name ip vlan image;     echo "$(date) : beginning teardown of host ${name}_${vlan}..."     echo "$(date) : executing command: ./deploy_vm_pureflex_nstar.sh -d -n ${name}_${vlan}"     ./deploy_vm_pureflex_nstar.sh -d -n ${name}_${vlan}     exitcode=$?     if [[ $exitcode -eq 0 ]];     echo "$(date) : teardown of host ${name}_${vlan} completed (exit code: $exitcode).  sleeping 60 seconds..."     else     echo "$(date) : teardown of host ${name}_${vlan} completed errors (exit code: $exitcode).  sleeping 60 seconds..."     fi     sleep 60     echo "$(date) : beginning rebuild of vm host $name"     echo "$(date) : executing command: ./deploy_vm_pureflex_nstar.sh -a -n ${name} -i ${ip} -v ${vlan} -r ${image} -p normal"     ./deploy_vm_pureflex_nstar.sh -a -n ${name} -i ${ip} -v ${vlan} -r ${image} -p normal     exitcode=$?     if [[ $exitcode -eq 0 ]];     echo "$(date) : rebuild of vm host ${name}_${vlan} completed (exit code: $exitcode).  sleeping 60 seconds..."     else     echo "$(date) : rebuild of vm host ${name}_${vlan} completed errors (exit code: $exitcode).  sleeping 60 seconds..."     fi     sleep 60     done < ${scriptdir}/hosts.txt 

format of hosts.txt file.

host01,,5,baseimg_db_20150528 host02,,5,baseimg_app_20150528 

i feel missing silly. thing if comment out 2 lines calling script loops expect. calling script problem?

your hosts.txt file not posix compliant , contains no newline @ end of file. need:

while read -r name ip vlan image || [ -n "$image" ]; 

in order read final line. see why should files end newline?


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