c++ - How can I apply only one clang-format action? -
i want use clang-format align comments, nothing else.
the option is: aligntrailingcomments (bool)
but when run following:
clang-format-3.6 -i -style='{aligntrailingcomments: true}' <file>
it performs kinds of other formatting options suppose have default when unspecified.
how can execute 1 clang formatting rule on codebase?
having of these defaults make difficult see full effect single formatting option has on code. have parse through diff of these other changes , decide if option specified did it.
i noticed there disableformat option, no matter how use it, stops formatting happening @ all.
clang-format-3.6 -i -style='{aligntrailingcomments: true, disableformat: true}' clang-format-3.6 -i -style='{disableformat: true, aligntrailingcomments: true}'
both cause clang-format not make code anywhere.
i think clang format not designed this. rules not things applies incrementally, program instead built around, parsing entire program , forgetting (most of) old whitespace, , generating new whitespace based on rules select.
you can see overview of architecture here: http://www.llvm.org/devmtg/2013-04/jasper-slides.pdf
first runs clang lexer , parser, divides groups of tokens "unwrapped lines" "tokens put on single line if there no column limit". layouter determines formatting of each unwrapped line based on various constraints , optimizing various penalties.
so, don't think "one clang-format action" thing, design looks pretty monolithic me.
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