android - Gradle: how to include an existing, complete project as a subproject? -

i git clone complete gradle project "completegradleproja" github , include local project submodule. "complete gradle project" mean can go directory "completegradleproja" , issue command

cd completegradleproja && gradle build 

to build it.

my directory structure looks this,

myproj   |---completegradleproja   |   |---build.gradle   |   |---build.gradle 

my question is: how can call "completegradleproja/build.gradle" without changing of root "build.gradle"?

the following root "build.gradle" config not help.

apply plugin: 'java' dependencies {   compile project(':completegradleproja') } 

i got error message

failure: build failed exception.  * went wrong: not determine dependencies of task ':compilejava'. > not determine dependencies of task ':compilejava'. 

"completegradleproja" android porject , "completegradleproja/build.gradle" looks this

buildscript {     repositories {         mavencentral()     }     dependencies {         classpath ''     } } 


apply plugin: '' // if project isn't library use this: // apply plugin: ''  android {     compilesdkversion 22     buildtoolsversion '21.1.2'      defaultconfig {         minsdkversion 8         targetsdkversion 22     } }  dependencies {     compile '' // if needed } 


include ':completegradleproja' 

use apply plugin: '' or apply plugin: '' instead of apply plugin: 'java'
