python - How to add any new library like spark-csv in Apache Spark prebuilt version -

i have build spark-csv , able use same pyspark shell using following command

bin/spark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.0.3 

error getting

>>>"k.csv","com.databricks.spark.csv") traceback (most recent call last):   file "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   file "/users/abhishekchoudhary/bigdata/cdh5.2.0/spark-1.3.1/python/pyspark/sql/", line 209, in save, jmode, joptions)   file "/users/abhishekchoudhary/bigdata/cdh5.2.0/spark-1.3.1/python/lib/", line 538, in __call__   file "/users/abhishekchoudhary/bigdata/cdh5.2.0/spark-1.3.1/python/lib/", line 300, in get_return_value py4j.protocol.py4jjavaerror 

where should place jar file in spark pre-built setup able access spark-csv python editor directly well.

at time used spark-csv, had download commons-csv jar (not sure still relevant). both jars in spark distribution folder.

  1. i downloaded jars follow:

    wget -o commons-csv-1.1.jar<br/>     wget -o spark-csv_2.10-1.0.0.jar 
  2. then started python spark shell arguments:

    ./bin/pyspark --jars "spark-csv_2.10-1.0.0.jar,commons-csv-1.1.jar" 
  3. and read spark dataframe csv file:

    from pyspark.sql import sqlcontext<br/> sqlcontext = sqlcontext(sc)<br/> df = sqlcontext.load(source="com.databricks.spark.csv", path = "/path/to/you/file.csv")<br/> 


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