mvc 4 - MVC Routing News Pages -
i have managed mvc project present list of news items in seo friendly manner:
/news/ - present list
/news/newsitem/id/news-item-title - individual news item
what is:
exactly how stackoverflow presents questions.
however, cant seem head around how routing differentiate between 2 actions same controller action name (index).
any suggestions appreciated.
here's routes config:
routes.maproute( "news", "news/newsitem/{newsid}/{newstitle}", new { controller = "news", action = "newsitem", newstitle = urlparameter.optional }, new { newsid = @"\d+" } ); routes.maproute( name: "default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "skiphire", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional } );
edit 2:
this i've amended to:
routes.maproute( "news", "{controller}/{id}/{newstitle}", new { action = "newsitem", newstitle = urlparameter.optional } );
public class newscontroller : controller { public actionresult index() { var q = _ctx.tblnews.orderby(x => x.newscreatedate) .where(x => x.websiteid == 2).tolist(); return view(q); } public actionresult newsitem(int newsid, string newstitle) { return view(); } }
view - index (segment)
<table> @foreach (var x in model) { <tr> <td>@html.actionlink(x.newstitle, "newsitem", new { newsid = x.newsid, newstitle = x.newstitle.toseourl() }) </td> </tr> } </table>
actionlink produces: news/newsitem?newsid=3&newstitle=my-news-item
i want: news/3/my-news-item
one way introduce additional route route configuration
routes.maproute( name: "news_seo_friendly", url: "{controller}/{id}/{seo}", defaults: new { action = "newsitem", seo = urlparameter.optional } );
*note action value in route. need corresponding action method on controller. also, since route more specific goes above existing, more generic route(s)
an alt routeconfig.cs might safer:
routes.maproute( name: "news_seo_friendly", url: "news/{id}/{seo}", defaults: new { controller = "news", action = "newsitem", seo = urlparameter.optional } );
public actionresult newsitem(string id) { return view(); }
another way make "news" own area within project. gives opportunity isolate routes, if app larger, , flexibility controller name(s).
edited after feedback wanted draw attention fact parameter name on controller's newsitem() method should match being declared in route settings. in above scenario, url: "{controller}/{id}/{seo}"
should match parameter name in newsitem(string id)...or vice-versa.
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