remove button and use dropdown box in hta-vbscript -

i new hta & vbscript. have **hta** script downloaded internet delay reboot of computer.

there button delay such 30 min, 45 min, 60 min etc. use combobox(dropdown box) instead of button.

i want vbscript work dropdown box.

below code of hta.

<html>    <head>     <title>reboot notification</title>     <hta:application id="omyapp"         applicationname="reboot notification"         border="dialog"         borderstyle="normal"         caption="yes"         scroll="no"         maximizebutton="no"         minimizebutton="no"         showintaskbar="no"         singleinstance="yes"         sysmenu="no"/>     </head>      <script language = "vbscript">         dim intminutes         dim intseconds         dim strhtaproc         set objshell = createobject("")          sub window_onload             resizeto 600,450             moveto 600,400             intminutes = 15             intseconds = 0             getprocessid             'run reboottimer sub procedure every 1 second             itimerid = window.setinterval("reboottimer", 1000)         end sub          '*** hta application process id         sub getprocessid             strcomputer = "."             set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2")             set colprocesses = objwmiservice.execquery("select name, handle win32_process name = 'mshta.exe'")             each objprocess in colprocesses                 strhtaproc = objprocess.handle             next         end sub          '***** update time selected value *********         sub delay30             btndisabled             intminutes = 30             intseconds = 0         end sub          sub delay45             btndisabled             intminutes = 45             intseconds = 0         end sub          sub delay60             btndisabled             intminutes = 60             intseconds = 0         end sub            sub delay90             btndisabled             intminutes = 90             intseconds = 0         end sub            sub delay120             btndisabled             intminutes = 120             intseconds = 0         end sub            sub delay240             btndisabled             intminutes = 240             intseconds = 0         end sub  function document_onkeydown()      dim alt     alt = window.event.altkey     select case window.event.keycode         case 27,116             window.event.keycode = 0             window.event.cancelbubble = true             document_onkeydown = false         case 115             if alt                 window.event.keycode = 0                 window.event.cancelbubble = true                 document_onkeydown = false             end if         case else             document_onkeydown = true     end select  end function           '*************************************************          '*** disable of buttons once 1 selected         sub btndisabled             btndelay30.disabled = true             btndelay45.disabled = true             btndelay60.disabled = true             btndelay90.disabled = true             btndelay120.disabled = true             btndelay240.disabled = true         end sub          sub reboottimer             if intseconds = 0                 if intminutes = 0 , intseconds = 0 'reboot workstations                     objshell.appactivate strhtaproc            "shutdown -r -f -t 0"                 else                     intminutes = intminutes - 1                 end if                 intseconds = 59             else                  intseconds = intseconds - 1             end if              'update clock              clock.innerhtml = "a reboot occur in " & "<strong>" & intminutes & ":" & right("00" & intseconds, 2) & "</strong>"              'activate hta application @ 1, 5, , 10 minutes remind user             if intminutes = 1 , intseconds = 0                 objshell.appactivate strhtaproc             elseif intminutes = 5 , intseconds = 0                 objshell.appactivate strhtaproc             elseif intminutes = 10 , intseconds = 0                 objshell.appactivate strhtaproc             end if          end sub      </script>      <body onload="window.focus()" style=", startcolorstr='#9bc59f', endcolorstr='#508855')">         <h2 p style="text-align: center; "><span>reboot notification</h2></span></p>         <h3 p style="text-align: center; "><span>your workstation requires reboot</h3></span></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><span id="clock"></span></p>               <p style="text-align: center;"><input id=btndelay30 class="button" type="button" value="delay 30 minutes" name="btndelay30" onclick="delay30"/></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><input id=btndelay45 class="button" type="button" value="delay 45 minutes" name="btndelay45" onclick="delay45"/></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><input id=btndelay60 class="button" type="button" value="delay 60 minutes" name="btndelay60" onclick="delay60"/></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><input id=btndelay90 class="button" type="button" value="delay 90 minutes" name="btndelay90" onclick="delay90"/></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><input id=btndelay120 class="button" type="button" value="delay 120 minutes" name="btndelay120" onclick="delay120"/></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><input id=btndelay240 class="button" type="button" value="delay 240 minutes" name="btndelay240" onclick="delay240"/></p>         <p style="text-align: center; font-size:14px;"><span>if have questions please contact helpdesk @ ext. ####</span></p>     </body>  </html> 


i can show dropdown box on hta application don't know how manage vbscript that.

basically should value select element. let's select element has name btndelay. value of btndelay should use btndelay.value


<html>    <head>     <title>reboot notification</title>     <hta:application id="omyapp"         applicationname="reboot notification"         border="dialog"         borderstyle="normal"         caption="yes"         scroll="no"         maximizebutton="no"         minimizebutton="no"         showintaskbar="no"         singleinstance="yes"         sysmenu="no"/>     </head>      <script language = "vbscript">         dim intminutes         dim intseconds         dim strhtaproc         set objshell = createobject("")          sub window_onload             resizeto 600,550             moveto 300,300             intminutes = 15             intseconds = 0             getprocessid             'run reboottimer sub procedure every 1 second             itimerid = window.setinterval("reboottimer", 1000)         end sub          '*** hta application process id         sub getprocessid             strcomputer = "."             set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2")             set colprocesses = objwmiservice.execquery("select name, handle win32_process name = 'mshta.exe'")             each objprocess in colprocesses                 strhtaproc = objprocess.handle             next         end sub          '***** update time selected value *********     sub setdelay             btndisabled             intminutes = btndelay.value             intseconds = 0     end sub  function document_onkeydown()      dim alt     alt = window.event.altkey     select case window.event.keycode         case 27,116             window.event.keycode = 0             window.event.cancelbubble = true             document_onkeydown = false         case 115             if alt                 window.event.keycode = 0                 window.event.cancelbubble = true                 document_onkeydown = false             end if         case else             document_onkeydown = true     end select  end function           '*************************************************          '*** disable of buttons once 1 selected         sub btndisabled             btndelay.disabled = true         end sub          sub reboottimer             if intseconds = 0                 if intminutes = 0 , intseconds = 0 'reboot workstations                     objshell.appactivate strhtaproc            "shutdown -r -f -t 0"                 else                     intminutes = intminutes - 1                 end if                 intseconds = 59             else                  intseconds = intseconds - 1             end if              'update clock              clock.innerhtml = "a reboot occur in " & "<strong>" & intminutes & ":" & right("00" & intseconds, 2) & "</strong>"              'activate hta application @ 1, 5, , 10 minutes remind user             if intminutes = 1 , intseconds = 0                 objshell.appactivate strhtaproc             elseif intminutes = 5 , intseconds = 0                 objshell.appactivate strhtaproc             elseif intminutes = 10 , intseconds = 0                 objshell.appactivate strhtaproc             end if          end sub      </script>      <body onload="window.focus()" style=", startcolorstr='#9bc59f', endcolorstr='#508855')">         <h2 p style="text-align: center; "><span>reboot notification</h2></span></p>         <h3 p style="text-align: center; "><span>your workstation requires reboot</h3></span></p>         <p style="text-align: center;"><span id="clock"></span></p>           <select size="1" name="btndelay" onchange="setdelay">         <option value="30">delay 30 minutes         <option value="45">delay 45 minutes         <option value="60">delay 60 minutes         <option value="90">delay 60 minutes         <option value="120">delay 120 minutes         <option value="240">delay 240 minutes     </select>         <p style="text-align: center; font-size:14px;"><span>if have questions please contact helpdesk @ ext. ####</span></p>     </body>  </html> 


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