unity3d - instantiate prefab with virtual Button -

i want create domino vurforia sampel in unity3d. end, want create prefab domino , virtual button. should fall real finger. mouse click want create prefab instanciate. virtual button has no function after produce. doing wrong or not possible @ all?

your domino effect tutorial openly available unity sample download on site open scene , scripts they've used , other detail wish for.

what you're claiming virtual button not act virtual button. in case please re-download unity extension again vuforia there might have been error while importing them on end.

that being said, these buttons not work unless know how code them. can refer this answer same on how code virtual button , how make function.

in question said want dynamically load button. while there way using code given in above link, suggest use vb.setactive(false) in start() , on update() particular condition being satisfied use vb.setactive(true) make function on.

i hope helps you.


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