Elasticsearch. Nested field type and raw string subfield -
i has mapping:
{ "properties":{ /*some fields ommited*/, "properties":{ "type":"nested", "properties":{ "fielda":{ "type":"string", "fields":{ "raw":{ "index":"not_analyzed", "type":"string" } } } } } } }
and documents:
{ /*some fields ommited*/, "properties":{ "fielda":"one" } } { /*some fields ommited*/, "properties":{ "fielda":"two" } }
and on.
i try make query:
{ "query": { "nested": { "query": { "term": { "fielda.raw": "one" } }, "path": "properties" } } }
there no results found. if try use same query field other type (not string, , without raw subfield) works. how should write query case? thanks!
p.s. field "fielda" has subfield raw because need field analyzed , not analyzed @ same time
you need specify full path nested field:
{ "query": { "nested": { "path": "properties", "query": { "term": { "properties.fielda.raw": "one" } } } } }
here code used test it:
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