sql - MySQL some rows to columns -
i have table in mysql this:
trans time_in placard container sztp line time_out ===== ======= ======= ========= ==== ==== ======== in 10:15 254114 clhu12345 40dh mae 10:54 <in transaction out 10:15 254114 maeu45678 20dr sea 10:54 <out transaction (same placard) out 10:15 254114 ttnu98765 20dr chi 10:54 <out transaction (same placard) in 11:23 664524 fscu13479 40rh seb 11:55 <in transaction out 11:23 664524 ponu55588 40dr mab 11:55 <out transaction (same placard) in 13:01 542234 tlhu77665 40rh mol 13:23 <in transaction (no out) out 13:36 232212 mlhu22341 20dr cmd 13:49 <out transaction (no in) out 14:03 187852 amfu56041 20dr cmd 14:48 <out transaction (no in) out 14:03 187852 cclu44112 20dr chn 14:48 <out transaction, same placard (no in)
this table of trucks enter our terminal drop container, , pick 1 40" or 2 20" gate out (3 transactions, 3 rows). trucker drops container , goes away empty (1 transaction), there no out transaction. or may come empty pick full container (1 transaction), there no in transaction, 1 or 2 out (2 transactions), if picks 1 40 or 2 20s. there times when comes in 2 20 foot, , leaves 2 20s well, having 4 transactions. time in , time out same every placard, can take of records, no worries that.
the key time_in + placard, since same placard can multiple trips in , out on same day. timestamp same each trip.
in end, no more 4 transactions every trip, , need single row report per trip, displaying each transaction details (container, sztp, , line), , if have 1 or two, other remaining transaction details null. unfamiliar maritime terms, sztp means size/type, 40dr means 40 foot dry, 20dr 20 foot dry, 40rh 40 foot reefer high cube, , on , forth.
i need end this:
time in placard cont1 sztp1 line1 cont2 sztp2 line2 cont3 sztp3 line3 cont4 sztp4 line4 time out ======= ======= ========= ===== ===== ========= ===== ===== ========= ===== ===== ========= ===== ===== ======== 10:15 254114 clhu12345 40dh mae maeu45678 20dr sea ttnu98765 20dr chi null null null 10:54 11:23 664524 fscu13479 40rh seb ponu55588 40dr mab null null null null null null 11:55 13:01 542234 tlhu77665 40rh mol null null null null null null null null null 13:23 13:36 232212 mlhu22341 20dr cmd null null null null null null null null null 13:49 14:03 187852 amfu56041 20dr cmd cclu44112 20dr chn null null null null null null 14:48
the intended use of table birt report.
thanks help.
btw, asked similar question, not clear beginning, reported moderation , posted one. apologies that. hope can me.
a birt crosstab can handle this, example this report near want do: transposing 5 order lines columns.1
the advantage of option is, dynamic: don't have hard-code anywhere fields of each line number such cont1, cont2, sztp1, sztp2 etc.
to achieve same in context need line number each transaction though. such line number computed either in mysql stored procedure, either in computed column of birt dataset, checking if "time in" , "placard" values of current row different previous row. of course query needs order transactions "time-in" + "placard" this.
once line number available in dataset can design datacube 2 groups , 2 measures
- first group: "time-in"+"placard". add sublevels display these fields in separate columns such "order" , "date" in screenshot.
- second group: line number
- measure 1: field:"container" type:string aggregatefunction: first
- measure 2: field:"sztp" type:string aggregatefunction: first
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