c# - Cannot convert type 'Umbraco.Core.Dynamics.DynamicNull' to 'Umbraco.....' - Umbraco v6 -

i've looked @ couple of similar errors regarding ipublishedcontent (yes know different object i'm using) in umbraco, , they've said it's been fixed since 4.11.7 - however, i'm using v6 that's not case.

my code worked until threw in coalesce:


dynamicpublishedcontent countryfolder = umbraco.media(currentpage.getproperty("contestmediafolder").value.tostring()); 

no longer works:

dynamicpublishedcontent countryfolder = !string.isnullorempty(contestfolder)                                              ? umbraco.media(currentpage.getproperty("contestmediafolder").value.tostring())                                              : umbraco.media(contestfolder); 

cannot convert type 'umbraco.core.dynamics.dynamicnull' 'umbraco.web.models.dynamicpublishedcontent'

i have (2) controllers calling same code, 1 controller hit on page load, other api controller. reason i'm passing in variable, contestfolder, string, since method returns list. in method call, i'm passing in string.empty, run first line.

i've tried:

  • replacing typed object, dynamicpublishedcontent var.
  • passing in int rather string method (contestfolder int).
  • casting both returns on umbraco.media() dynamicpublishedcontent
  • instead of using dynamicpublishedcontent, use ipublishedcontent object.

i switched out how retrieved folder. singled out reason, , it's b/c if regardless if 2nd coalesce hits, umbraco attempts retrieve folder, , if it's null, returns error,

cannot convert type 'umbraco.core.dynamics.dynamicnull' 'umbraco.web.models.dynamicpublishedcontent'

therefore, have pass actual media id (that's valid) umbraco.media() method, or you'll have error returned you.

public override actionresult index(rendermodel model) {     var entries = this.getcontestentries(this.getcountryfolder(currentpage.getproperty("contestmediafolder").value.tostring()));      return base.index(model); }  public dynamicpublishedcontent getcountryfolder(string countryfolder) {     return (dynamicpublishedcontent)umbraco.media(countryfolder); }  public list<war2015contestmodel> getcontestentries(dynamicpublishedcontent countryfolder) {      .....  // code omitted } 
