How do I use the windows service and WCF to update some record in database? -

i wrote wcf service , host wcf in windows service using tcp.and using command installutil windowsservicesendmail.exe register on windows 7.

my problem service not start when right click on service1(on window services on windows 7) , click start. read article , went forward step step result did not receive.

this runprogram() method in wcf project in solution

 [operationcontract]   void runprogram();  public void runprogram() {   //code check database } 

this code in windows service project in solution

protected override void onstart(string[] args) {     if (myservicehost != null)     {         myservicehost.close();     }     myservicehost = new servicehost(typeof(service1));; }  protected override void onstop() {     if (myservicehost != null)     {         myservicehost.close();         myservicehost = null;     } } 

and add reference wcf project windows service project

and using command installutil windowsservicesendmail.exe register on windows 7

you can download project here

my problem service not start when right click on service1(on window services on windows 7) , click start.

i've found problem. changed onstart method.

protected override void onstart(string[] args) {     if (myservicehost != null)     {         myservicehost.close();     }     myservicehost = new servicehost(typeof(sendmailservice));;      wcfsendmail.sendmailservicewcf s = new wcfsendmail.sendmailservicewcf();     s.runprogram(); } 

and publish windows service project , run setup.exe in publish folder. of course using command installutil windowsservicesendmail.exe register on windows 7.
