iphone - fullcalendar.io: can't scroll on iOS after redrawing calendar -

i'm having issue changing view of fullcalendar freezes scrolling on ios devices. example, start loading calendar empty div. upon initial load, can scroll around on device (both ipad , iphone). however, once click basicweek basicmonth view, calendar renders, screen freezes. can still click links, trying scroll around page or calendar not work.

has encountered similar or figured out how deal this?

my fullcalendar initialization code:

    $('#simple-calendar').fullcalendar({         googlecalendarapikey: my_google_api_key,         events: {             googlecalendarid: 'en.usa#holiday@group.v.calendar.google.com'         },         defaultview:'basicweek',         header: {              'left':     'title',             'center':   '',             'right':    'month,basicweek,basicday today prev,next'         }     }); 

i've tried using css , overflow scrolling, doesn't seem make difference.

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; overflow-y: scroll; 


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