i trying create, in application, same effect used software musicbee in music selection interface (screenshot below). there lower panel datagrid, , upper panel listviews displaying grouped rows. when click, say, "rock" on "genre" list in upper panel, other lists updated , datagrid filtered accordingly. if go on clicking on other lists in upper panel, datagrid filtering becomes more , more restrictive , goes on being updated accordingly (displaying rows matching filters above). also, there rows: all (n items) , [empty] , imagine have added view source somehow. i started read listcollectionview class, since documentation says: "when bind data collection, may want sort, filter, or group data. that, use collection views." it seems me grouping , filtering want accomplish here, found lack of examples , don't know start this, either viewmodel-side or xaml-side. this broad question, show 1 way go implementing looking for. there...