javascript - gulp-nodemon - nodejs restart after file change - Error: listen EADDRINUSE events.js:85 -

i'm running nodejs 0.12.3 - gulp 3.10.8 , gulp-nodemon 2.0.3. gulpfile.js :

gulp.task('serve', ['build'], function() {   gulp.start('fb-flo');   nodemon({     script:   paths.server,     env:      { 'node_env': 'development' },     // env: { 'node_env': 'production' },     execmap:  {       'js': 'node_modules/babel/bin/babel-node --stage 1' //es7 cote server     },     delay:    '0ms',     watch:    ['src/shared/', 'src/server/'],     ignore:   ['src/shared/components'],     tasks: function (changedfiles) {       var tasks = [];       changedfiles.foreach(function (file) {         if (path.extname(file) === '.jsx' && !~tasks.indexof('bundlejs')) tasks.push('bundlejs');         if (path.extname(file) === '.less' && !~tasks.indexof('compileless')) tasks.push('compileless');       });       return tasks;     }   }).on('exit', function(){     //console.log(process._getactivehandles());     //console.log(process._getactiverequests());     process.once('sigusr2', function () {       console.log('exit!...........');       gracefulshutdown(function () {         process.kill(, 'sigusr2');       });     });   }); }); 

my server start well, when server restarts after change in js files in src/shared or src/server, have error :

[14:22:35] finished 'default' after 4.4 μs [14:22:35] [nodemon] exiting events.js:85   throw er; // unhandled 'error' event         ^ error: listen eaddrinuse 

i understand mean adress lareday in use, can see i've tried clean when exiting through sigusr2 signal, console.log never called... me appreciated ! thanks


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