
Showing posts from May, 2015

c# - Get untitled notepad contents -

i looking solution in c# or in language following: 1) let have opened notepad , have write inside. file unsaved. 2) via program create save "foo.txt" notepad file , close it. in c# can process name or id can have process. how make process save , close? or maybe @ least data of notepad , can save via systemio. problem how process data of process , in particular example notepad text (remember text unsaved no way recover path). thanks lot. or maybe @ least data of notepad as others have said, it's not best approach far... ...but sure, can that. here's example retrieves contents of open notepad instances , spits them out in console: public partial class form1 : form { public form1() { initializecomponent(); } private const int wm_gettext = 0xd; private const int wm_gettextlength = 0xe; [system.runtime.interopservices.dllimport("user32.dll", setlasterror = true)] public static extern intptr f...

apache - Pageres does not work with php exec -

i installed npm module on digitalocean droplet it works right if access terminal directly. but, if access them php via exec() , loads, , loads, , loads...and mysql server shutting down (or apache?) , need sudo restart . then tried this: exec('pageres 2>&1', $output, $returncode); $output = implode(php_eol, $output); echo $output . ' ' . $returncode; and loads long time, become message generated 82 screenshots 1 url , 82 resolutions . loads correct 82 images in projekt, have not entered other parameter pageres (for other resolutions). i have same problem on local xampp. if run whoami on website exec(), become www-data , if run on terminal, become safeuser . important? // edit: tried laravel 4 ssh , whoami returns safeuser , not work

java - Check if SVN checkout with SVNANT was successful or failed -

i not able use similar resultproperty="checkout.res" while checkout svnant, can used in "exec". below snippet of ant build file. <target name="svncheckout"> <svn username="${svn.username}" password="${svn.password}" failonerror="true" resultproperty="checkout.res" > <checkout url="${svn.base.url}/myproject" revision="head" destpath="../../../../stubswds" /> </svn> </target> getting error below : buildfile: /home/workspace/checkout/src/main/resources/buildandcheckout.xml svncheckout: build failed /home/workspace/checkout/src/main/resources/buildandcheckout.xml:113: svn doesn't support "resultproperty" attribute total time: 1 second you can use status task in svnant assign property name appropriate type. in case, going on scant information, i'd imagine line might be: <status path="foo" ...

html - Strange behavior of media query in CSS. Inheriting attribute values from other statement -

let's have @media , (min-width: 360px) { #navigation { background-color: #dddddd; display: block; position: fixed; top: 0px; } } @media , (min-width: 760px) { #navigation { background-color: #111111; display: none; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; } } this kind of css code (assume have div id="navigation" tag in body tag.). but if run code , change size of browser see difference, won't change size changes. css attributes in first media query statement applied style, except display attribute. how make other attributes behave supposed be? edit: here's codepen project: ok going assume main problem here when going 360px width div not sitting @ top of view port stuck @ bottom? when have media query still inherits previous styles if want negate have return them there default value bottom auto believe.

delimiter - SAS: Extract ID's separated by dashes from text string -

i have dataset has 1 concatenated text field. trying break 3 text columns in sas 9.4. obs var1 1 may12-kansas-abcd6194-xy7199-brule 2 jan32-ohio-bz5752-gary my output observation 1 should this: obs date state id 1 may12 kansas abcd6194-xy7199-brule here's have, works date , state. however, can't third part (id) ignore delimiter: data have; input var1 &$64.; cards; may12-kansas-abcd6194-xy7199-brule jan32-ohio-bz5752-gary ; run; data need; length id $16; set have; date = scan(var1,1,'-','o'); state = scan(var1,2,'-','o'); id = scan(var1,3,'-',''); run; another different approach multi-delimiter-containing word use call scan . tell position (and length, ignore) of nth word (and can forwards or backwards, gives ability search in middle of string). implemented particular case it's simple: data want; set have; length date $5 state $20 id $50 ; ...

python - Adding colorbar to a 3 variable colour graph -

from post got how create graph, struggling add scale bar. printing item colors gives [ 0.53800422 0.67490159 0.99172189 1.] i'm guessing scaled color? my_array = range(20) my_array2 = my_array z = np.array(my_array) x = np.asarray(my_array) scaled_x = (x - x.min()) / x.ptp() scaled_z = (z - z.min()) / z.ptp() colors = graph = plt.scatter(my_array, my_array2, c = colors, cmap = colors ) cb = plt.colorbar(graph) cb.set_label('mean value') i think you've gotten mixed on cmap argument supposed be. it's either colormap object (e.g. ) or name of colormap (e.g. "coolwarm" ). you're trying pass in explicit colors. (the [ 0.53800422 0.67490159 0.99172189 1.] red, green, blue, , alpha values colormap yield 1 of specific data points.) instead of calculating explicit colors, pass in colormap object directly. for example, given example code above, re-write as: import numpy np...

JQuery select function not showing div -

i have jquery function (with of stackoverflow post) hides/shows divs depending on selected on select/dropdown. works fine. when edit record stored value of select field displayed in select/dropdown corresponding div remains hidden until change made on select field. code <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('.jshideshow').hide(); $('#id_selection_basis').change(function () { $('.jshideshow').hide(); $('#'+$(this).val()).show(); }) }); </script> i have tried various combinations of above code show div straight away on update view value have far been unsuccessful. any appreciated! please post corresponding html, i'm having trouble understanding exact issue broke down code doing might able figure out there. <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('.jshideshow').hide(); // 1 $('#id_selection_basis').change(func...

javascript - AngularJs MMenu Directive -

i want create mmenu directive angular app. have done now. used link: function(){} in directive. jquery plugin webpage : directive: angular.module('myapp').directive('sidemenu', function() { return { restrict : 'e', templateurl : 'scripts/partials/side-menu.html' }; }); partial (side-menu.html): <nav id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="fa fa-power-off"></i> logout</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> link</a> <ul> <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">history</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">the team</a> <ul> <li><a href="javascri...

rest - How to maintain state in a Restful service -

below sequence of events in crud web service trying create step 1: user request post /shape/trycreate (try-create request) step 2:controller method receives object : trycreate(shape s) step 3: service method returns matching shapes: collection<shape> trycreate(shape s) step 4: if duplicate shape exists throws exception , exceptionmapper returns failure response if returned collection empty create shape , return success response else if return object containing paths view shapes match shape user trying create extent , return object contains continue path still create shape so response object contains paths view/shape/id001 view/shape/id003 view/shape/id007 shapes shape s user create , has continue path create/shape/some-token here think can use some-token --> shape object map on server side entry lives 5 minutes or so. using can validate user has not sent direct request create has gone through step trycreate->view matching shapes-> still cre...

connection - Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80) -

i have installed windows 10 insider program. works, except apache. when try start it, says port 80 blocked. there way unblock or tell apache use port instead? i using windows 7 before. had trouble port 80 skype, have disabled it. i had same problem on windows 10, iis/10.0 using port 80 to solve that: find service "w3svc" disable it, or set "manual" french name is: " service de publication world wide web " english name is: " world wide web publishing service " german name is: "www-publishingdienst" – @fiffy polish name is: "usÅ‚uga publikowania w sieci www" - @krzysdan russian name "Служба веб-публикаций" – @kreozot italian name "servizio pubblicazione sul web" – @claudio-venturini español name "servicio de publicación world wide web" - @daniel-santarriaga portuguese (brazil) name "serviço de publicação da world wide web" - @thiago-born alternative...

swift2 - Using the split function in Swift 2 -

let's want split string empty space. code snippet works fine in swift 1.x. not work in swift 2 in xcode 7 beta 1. var str = "hello bob" var foo = split(str) {$0 == " "} i following compiler error: cannot invoke 'split' argument list of type '(string, (_) -> _) anyone know how call correctly? updated : added note xcode 7 beta 1. split method in extension of collectiontype which, of swift 2, string no longer conforms to. fortunately there other ways split string : use componentsseparatedbystring : "ab cd".componentsseparatedbystring(" ") // ["ab", "cd"] as pointed out @dawg, requires import foundation . instead of calling split on string , use characters of string . characters property returns string.characterview , conforms collectiontype : "😀 🇬🇧".characters.split(" ").map(string.init) // ["😀", "🇬🇧"] make string conform coll...

vba - Extract Cells content in the first Excel File based on Worksheet in another File -

in first excel file multiple cells in column c contains address , name of company; want keep company name. that, have excel file (i'll call "dictionary"), has particular structure following: column b : name want keep. column c : various patterns of name, delimited ";". example : b1 = "sony", c1="sony entertainement;sony pictures;playstation" i need vba macro reading dictionary file, each pattern (surrounded anything) replace word want keep. my macro : sub macroclear() <for each line of dictionnary> arrayc = split(<cell c of line>, ";") <for in range arrayc> cells.replace what:="*"&trim(arrayc(i))&"*", replacement:=trim(<cell b of line>), lookat:= _ xlpart, searchorder:=xlbyrows, matchcase:=false, searchformat:=false, _ replaceformat:=false end sub edit - update : made capture of first dictionary, it'll ea...

html - Border on element inside a single image -

i'm struggling on problem. have put border on element inside image(i can't put image due reputation under 10) border should have same width , height of should responsive.i write code based on bootstrap media screen resolution when reduced page wide becomes small @ specific screen resolution.that's code.thanks. <div class="parent"> <img /> <span class="makeborder"></span> </div> and css: .parent { position: relative; } .makeborder { position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 23px; border: 2px solid red; width: 83%; height: 83%; } what do: <div class="customclass"><img /></div> .customclass{outline:1px solid red;outline-offset:-18px;} try hereby use button on image , correctly work.some of css property no useful in example denoted //. <html> <head> <style> div{ background:url(...

doctrine2 - Check If Record Has References -

i wonder if there way find out if record has references. i have following entity: class item extends entity { /** * @id @generatedvalue * @column(name="id") */ protected $id; /** * @onetomany(targetentity="citation", mappedby="citation") */ protected $citedin; /** * @column(name="stamped", type="boolean") */ protected $stamped; /** ... rest of code ... */ } and want perform following check: $qb ->select(" count(, when (i.stamped = true) 'stamped' when (i.citedin not null) 'cited' else 'just started' end current_status ") ->from(entity\item::class, 'i') ->groupby('current_status'); note tried use i.citedin not null , didn't work. use instead? since onetomany relationship think need use is not empty instead of is not null . d...

javascript - Hide Shop By "Color" Attribute on Certain Categories via Custom Layout Update -

how hide attribute on single category via custom layout update, created new css file , added next code custom layout update in category want hide color attribute <reference name="head"> <action method="addcss"><stylesheet>css/custommods.css</stylesheet></action> </reference> now, custommods.css is .faq_accordian .arrowlistmenu { visibility: hidden; } but code hides shop attributes because attributes have same class. snippet of styles.css file /* ======================================================================================= */ /* ===================accordian */ .faq_accordian{margin:0;padding:0;} .faq_right{ width:732px; height:auto; float:left; } .faq_banner{background:url(images/media_banner.png) no-repeat; height:139px; width:724px; border-bottom:3px solid #fec00f; } .faq_banner h1 {font-family: 'futura_ltregular'; font-size:32px;color:#fec00f;margin-left:30px;margin-top:0...

wordpress - Update a custom-field by another custom-field -

iam working lots of custom_fields in wordpress. currently iam working woocommerce, dont know if question wp or woo related. i have 1 custom-field setup select box. can choose between several items such as: new in_stock sold_out when select "sold_out" , save post/product, not want save field, want set "_stock_status" "outofstock". the field "_stock_status" default woocommerce field. drop-down box. can select values "instock" or "outofstock". the thing iam working woocommerce save function, called, woocommerce_process_product_meta . i thought run 2 update_post_meta function. doesnt work. i tried following, testing, check if custom-field not empty. if not empty update selected value, , update "_stock_status". $woocommerce_select = $_post['_my_custom_field']; if( !empty( $woocommerce_select ) ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, '_my_custom_field', esc_attr( $woocommerce_sele...

java - getX() works in all my classes except this one -

so made code fishingpole class, , made instance of player. player player = new player(); imageloader loader = new imageloader(); bufferedimage imagefile = loader.loadimage("/pictures/fishingline.png"); bufferedimage image = imagefile; public double x, y; public static final double fixed_y = 251; game game; public fishingpole(game game){ = game; } public void tick(){ x = player.getx(); } public void render(graphics g){ g.drawimage(image, (int)x, (int)y, game); } public void movedown(){ } public void reelin(){ } the tick method gets in game loop every time. however, fishing line image doesn't move player. tried see if getx() method worked public void tick(){ x = player.getx(); system.out.println(player.getx()); } that time, when moved player, kept on saying default position of player. tested method inside of other classes , worked fine. code getx() method. public double getx() { return this.x; } it seem create ...

c++ - Boost asio TCP + google proto -

i first footsteps boost asio , google proto. defined small test message message test { optional string test=1; optional int32 value=2; } and 1 async boost asio server response following function: void start() { test test; test.set_test("test"); test.set_value(44444); test.printdebugstring(); boost::asio::async_write(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(test.serializeasstring()), boost::bind(&tcp_connection::handle_write, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)); } my test client is #include <iostream> #include <boost/array.hpp> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include "test.pb.h" using boost::asio::ip::tcp; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { boost::asio::io_service io_service; tcp::resolver resolver(io_service); tcp::endpoint end_point(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), ...

html5 - how initiate a validation form using php -

i trying following validation on registration page; at beginning of page have, <?php if(!isset($_post['sumbit']) && (!validatename($_post['phonenumber'])) { here html show errors if form submitted errors <form method= "post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_server['php_self']);?>"> <div>phone number</div> <input type="text" name="phonenumber" size="20" placeholder="phone" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_post['phonenumber']); ?>" required> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="next"> </form> but getting "notice: undefined index: phonenumber in ...." before submit page i have validationname function in separated file call here getting error any help?? you have validate variable set: if(isset($_post['var'])) or (for checking if not empty): i...

sql server - Merging two or more records in SQL query result with same dates -

i have sql query looks this: select,t1.earnings table1 t1 so query result following: 5.5.2015 20.0 5.5.2015 16.0 5.5.2015 24.0 6.6.2015 15.0 6.6.2015 15.0 my question is: there way merge these 3 dates one(as same basically) , merge these numerical values result this: 5.5.2015 70.0 6.6.2015 30.0 only records same date should merged. can me out please? thanks! this should work. select, sum(t1.earnings) table1 t1 group date if, however, dates stored datetime , time portions not match, you'll need cast them date in order grouping correct: select cast( date) date, sum(t1.earnings) table1 t1 group cast( date) mvc - Convert 404/500 or any other error code to 301 -

i have site in mvc , want url error code 404 redirect 301. can permanently(web.config/iis) , how? please suggest me option keeping in mind seo part of site. i have hundreds of urls generating 404 , 500 errors want redirect them site base url "" i have error links this:

bash 4.2 / 4.3: Different behavior in C-style loop -

bash 4.2 show assumed correct behavior in c-style loop: me@server:/some/dir# times=30; (( n=0; n<$(shuf -i ${times}-$(expr ${times} + 20) -n 1); n++ )); echo $n; done 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 me@server:/some/dir# bash --version gnu bash, version 4.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) (...) me@server:/some/dir# the same under bash 4.3 throws error: me@server:/some/dir# times=30; (( n=0; n<$(shuf -i ${times}-$(expr ${times} + 20) -n 1); n++ )); echo $n; done -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' me@server:/some/dir# bash --version gnu bash, version 4.3.30(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) (...) yet part find random number between ${times} , ${times}+20 works: me@server:/some/dir# shuf -i 20-50 -n 1 26 me@server:/some/dir# so inserting numeral directly instead of $() -subshell'ing it: me@server:/some/dir# times=30; (( n=0; n<26; n++ )); echo $n; done 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...

java - Spring LDAP not getting all Authorities -

so i'm having issues getting appropriate authorities ldap spring. able of authorities, not of them. my ldap structure looks this: i'm using: spring 4, spring security 4, spring ldap 2 my application-context-security.xml contains: <ldap-server url="${ldap.server.url}" /> <beans:bean id="gridinetorgusermapper" class="" /> <beans:bean id="localsecurityhandler" class="com.package.of.stuff.service.impl.securityhandler"> <beans:constructor-arg ref="userservice" /> </beans:bean> <authentication-manager id="authenticationmanagercas"> <authentication-provider ref="casauthenticationprovider" /> </authentication-manager> <beans:bean id="casauthenticationprovider" class=""> ...

java - OpenCV classifier file Parsing error -

i receiving following error: opencv error: parsing error (haarcascade_upperbody.xml(2): name should start letter or underscore) in icvxmlparsetag, file /build/buildd/opencv-2.4.8+dfsg1/modules/core/src/persistence.cpp, line 2140 exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( @ org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.jarrsrcloader.main( @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method) @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke( @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( ...

javascript - How to expand textarea to fit text vertically and horizontally? -

how can using html, css , jquery? i found question textarea resize based on content length expands height of textarea. i want textarea precisely imitate user inputing. if user writing text row, row doesnt end until user hit "enter". width of textarea larger window. same thing height. also im searching solution allows me change fontsize , textarea resize fit it. does have idea? the solution height fine. to make horizontally proper, add following css, textarea { width: 100%; display: block; resize: vertical; }

python - Using phantomjs print proxy it used to access website -

can point me in right direction. need documentation. manually input proxy, think might passing it. want test script see if going through proxy phantom. looks went through it, still getting few bug. there way print out proxy using in command line? no. nothing documented , see no indication of getting information in code. as workaround run wireshark or tcpdump capture traffic , see requests go. should easy see whether go server or proxy server provided know ip addresses (or can dns query in wireshark see ip address is).

css - How to Remove class or activate class for specific view port only -

not sure if require javascript, or if there way css alone. basically want have class active medium , small size browswers. example: <style> .big {font-size: 2em;} .normal {font-size: 1em;} </style> <div class="big"> <p> text huge on normal size screens.</p> </div> i want either able switch class ".big" @ mobile/medium view ".normal" or disable class @ view-port size. is possible? work-arounds? you can below. add both big , normal class div. keep class hierarchy this. first normal big now can @ particular viewport, make normal's font size important value. <style> .big { font-size: 2em; } .normal { font-size: 1em; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .normal { font-size: 1em !important; } </style> <div class="normal big"> <p>this text huge on normal size screens.</p> </div>

python - Using Jmeter OS Process Sampler to collect script data -

is possible collect output of python script using "os process sampler"? my python script database query , returns "r1=123 r2=456 r3=789" there way collect r1, r2, r3 values , graph them? you can use regular expression extractor values os process sampler follows: add regular expression extractor child of os process sampler configure follows: reference name: variable name of choice, i.e. r regular expression: r1=(\d+) r2=(\d+) r3=(\d+) template: $1$$2$$3$ it result in following variables: r=123456789 r_g=3 r_g0=r1=123 r2=456 r3=789 r_g1=123 r_g2=456 r_g3=789 you can "tell" jmeter store these values .jtl results file adding following line file (it located in /bin folder of jmeter installation) sample_variables=r_g1,r_g2,r_g3 variables stored in .jtl file along other test result information like 1434196234292,251,os process sampler,0,ok,thread group 1-1,text,true,21,1,1,0,123,456,789 (scroll right of li...

VBA - Autofilter and copy visiable data to another feild -

i have dataset want vba auto-filter , in column b unselect 0 , keep other values. then copy visible cells new sheet. can me error is thanks sub findlastrowwithvaluefilter() activeworkbook.sheets("cascade -offshore upload format").activate lastrow = activesheet.cells.specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell).row range("a1:q" & lastrow) .autofilter .autofilter field:=2, criteria1:="select all", operator:=xland, criteria1:="<>0" end range("a2:q" & lastrow).select activesheet.range("a1:q1" & lastrow).offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy sheets("sheet1").select range("a1").select selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevalues, operation:=xlnone, skipblanks _ :=false, transpose:=false msgbox (lastrow) end sub replace .autofilter field:=2, criteria1:="select all", operator:=xland, criteria1:="<...

java - WebSphere MQ connection pooling with Tomcat -

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objective c - iOS 9, Swift 2.0 , Xcode and testing -

i planning learn develop ios apps. i'll learning objective-c , develop actual apps ios. now, launch of swift 2.0, objective-c apps still run on ios9 ? also, possible test run objective-c app on phone mentioned here ? or facility available apps written in swift? does swift allow me objective-c does? any further advide or guidance should know before enrolling course appreciated me judge things better. swift still second language. cocoa frameworks written in c or obj-c (maybe new ones in ios 9 written in swift). the language in application written doesn't matter, code compiled same machine code, yes, obj-c apps continue run , many developers won't bother swift. apps have been written not have rewritten swift (with exceptions). swift won't allow absolutely obj-c allow almost , code more robust, considering swift more modern language stronger typing obj-c. if beginner, won't find problematic use case.

android - Conditional pop window -

so i'm still new java , android programming. scenario here have created app scores users progress based on how many of goals have achieved @ end of week. @ end of scoring process accumulate points. based on accumulated score on several weeks can acquire trophies. once finish scoring taken result activity changes background image based on score achieved particular week. on same result activity use popup window inform them based on accumulated points when have 1 trophy. of sample code have seen use button open pop up. open result activity starts , based on whether met points each of trophies. tried myself open activity crashed. please help?!

time - Batch - xcopy files older than x minutes -

after new file creation time of 20 min want copy files extensions .txt folder new folder target . (i want copy olny files older 20 min) so far, looks this: set hh=%time:~0,2% set mm=%time:~3,2% set ss=%time:~6,2% set /a sum_sec=%hh% * 3600 + %mm% * 60 + %ss% -300 set /a h=%sum_sec% / 3600 set /a m=(%sum_sec%/60) - 60 * %h% set /a s=%sum_sec% - 60 * (%sum_sec%/60) if %h% lss 10 set h=0%h% if %m% lss 10 set m=0%m% if %s% lss 10 set s=0%s% set new_time=%h%:%m%:%s% so far i've delete files older 20 minutes: forfiles /p "c:\users\desktop\start" /s /m *.txt /c "cmd /c if @ftime lss %new_time% del /f /q @path" my question how can copy new files folder new folder target after 20 minutes ? best regs check filetimefilter.bat - capable filter files different time (it should in same directory): @echo off /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in (' call filetimefiler.bat "new" -mm -20 -direction before -filetim...

How to trouble Android signal 11 (SIGSEGV) -

i getting signal 11 (sigsegv) fatal error in android app, not ndk app. looking through logcat file, have no clue how trace down error. error occurs (and app crashes) when push notification opened. there better way debug problem? here logcat content: f/libc ( 6556): fatal signal 11 (sigsegv) @ 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 6662 (intentservice[e) d/dalvikvm( 6651): gc_concurrent freed 818k, 22% free 4881k/6232k, paused 1ms+3ms, total 5ms d/dalvikvm( 6651): gc_for_alloc freed 897k, 26% free 4845k/6504k, paused 3ms, total 3ms d/dalvikvm( 6651): gc_for_alloc freed 881k, 26% free 4838k/6504k, paused 3ms, total 3ms i/debug ( 1885): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** i/debug ( 1885): build fingerprint: 'samsung/santos10wifiue/santos10wifi:4.4.2/kot49h/p5210ueu0cnk1:user/release-keys' i/debug ( 1885): revision: '0' i/debug ( 1885): pid: 6556, tid: 6662, name: intentservice[e >>> <<< i/...

In Oracle SQL , how can I find which tables reference a specific column (i.e have it as foreign key )? -

i studying tis question - how can find tables reference given table in oracle sql developer? , and showed code find tables reference specified table : elect table_name, constraint_name, status, owner all_constraints r_owner = :r_owner , constraint_type = 'r' , r_constraint_name in ( select constraint_name all_constraints constraint_type in ('p', 'u') , table_name = :r_table_name , owner = :r_owner ) order table_name, constraint_name so i'm trying tailor code tables refer specific column (here , preparer_id ) ; tried far : select column_name, constraint_name, status, owner all_constraints r_owner = :r_owner , constraint_type = 'r' , r_constraint_name in ( select constraint_name all_constraints constraint_type in ('p', 'u') , column_name = :r_column_name , owner = :r_owner ) order column_name, constraint_name this gives me error : ora-00904: "column_name": invalid identifier 00904...