doctrine2 - Check If Record Has References -

i wonder if there way find out if record has references.

i have following entity:

class item extends entity {     /**      * @id @generatedvalue      * @column(name="id")      */     protected $id;      /**      * @onetomany(targetentity="citation", mappedby="citation")      */     protected $citedin;      /**      * @column(name="stamped", type="boolean")      */     protected $stamped;      /** ... rest of code ... */  } 

and want perform following check:

$qb     ->select("         count(,         when (i.stamped = true) 'stamped'         when (i.citedin not null) 'cited'         else 'just started'         end current_status     ")     ->from(entity\item::class, 'i')     ->groupby('current_status'); 

note tried use i.citedin not null, didn't work. use instead?

since onetomany relationship think need use is not empty instead of is not null. doctrine create empty arraycollection each entity, technically it's not null, because it's empty array.


if doesn't work, try not instance of yourapp\model\citation.


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