google oauth - Error "Invalid token: Cannot parse referred token string" when trying to access to Picasaweb API with oAuth2 from Java -

when trying connect picasaweb api in java, i've got error: forbidden token invalid - invalid token: cannot parse referred token string     @     @     @     @     @     @     @     @ 

here code:

final string[] scopesarray = { "" }; final list scopes = arrays.aslist(scopesarray); final googlecredential credential = new googlecredential.builder()   .settransport(new nethttptransport())   .setjsonfactory(new jacksonfactory())   .setserviceaccountid("")   .setserviceaccountscopes(scopes)   .setserviceaccountprivatekeyfromp12file(new file("key.p12")).build(); final picasawebservice picasaservice = new picasawebservice("toto"); picasaservice.setoauth2credentials(credential); picasaservice.insert(new url(feed_url), album); 

i think somethig missing, how link between service account , picasa account made? tried had url in scope," + user_id or "" + user_id, without success...

i want avoid 'user consent' dialog each time application access picasa album.

i didn't find examples of picasaweb api , oauth2, if have idea... thanks!

edit : found informations "delegating domain-wide authority service account" want setserviceaccountuser("") seems it's working google apps domains.

how link between service account , picasa account made?

there no link. service account , picasa account 2 different users far google concerned. (i'm guessing didn't explain use case) not want using service account.

treat picasa api , oauth 2 separate learning exercises. think of oauth stuff leads have access token, , picasa api thing poke access token into. try using oauth playground ( mock want achieve. teach need know oauth, , show http requests should like, can subsequently compare app.


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