python - How can I use a CAST in an ExcludeConstraint in SQLAlchemy? -

in postgresql can create table exclusion constraint involving cast (the cast necessary because uuid type doesn't have default operator class gist):

create extension btree_gist; create table example (   id         uuid,   some_range int4range,   exclude using gist (cast("id" text) =, some_range &&) ); 

i can't figure out how accomplish same thing in sqlalchemy. tried this:

from sqlalchemy import * sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import (     uuid, int4range, excludeconstraint, text )  class example(base):     __tablename__ = 'example'     id = column(uuid)     some_range = column(int4range)     __table_args__ = (         excludeconstraint(             (cast('id', text), '='), ('some_range', '&&')         ),     ) 

but error sqlalchemy.exc.argumenterror: can't add unnamed column column collection.

how can sqlalchemy use cast in excludeconstraint? alternatively, how can use raw sql define exclude constraint on table?

from, workaround (for versions prior 1.0.6) is

from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import quoted_name      excludeconstraint(         (column(quoted_name('cast("id" text)', quote=false)), '='), ('some_range', '&&')     ), 


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