android - Protocol not found: null -


/** asynctask parse json data , load listview */     private class listviewloadertask extends asynctask<string, void, simpleadapter>{          jsonobject jobject;         // doing parsing of xml data in non-ui thread         @override         protected simpleadapter doinbackground(string... strjson) {             try{                 jobject = new jsonobject(strjson[0]);                 storejsonparser countryjsonparser = new storejsonparser();                 countryjsonparser.parse(jobject);             }catch(exception e){                 log.d("json exception1",e.tostring());             }              // instantiating json parser class             storejsonparser countryjsonparser = new storejsonparser();              // list object store parsed countries list             list<hashmap<string, object>> countries = null;              try{                 // getting parsed data list construct                 countries = countryjsonparser.parse(jobject);             }catch(exception e){                 log.d("exception",e.tostring());             }              // keys used in hashmap             string[] = { "country","flag","details"};              // ids of views in listview_layout             int[] = {,};              // instantiating adapter store each items             // r.layout.listview_layout defines layout of each item             simpleadapter adapter = new simpleadapter(getbasecontext(), countries, r.layout.restaurant_list, from, to);              return adapter;         }          /** invoked android on "doinbackground" executed */         @override         protected void onpostexecute(simpleadapter adapter) {              // setting adapter listview             mlistview.setadapter(adapter);              for(int i=0;i<adapter.getcount();i++){                 hashmap<string, object> hm = (hashmap<string, object>) adapter.getitem(i);                 string imgurl = (string) hm.get("flag_path");                 imageloadertask imageloadertask = new imageloadertask();                  hashmap<string, object> hmdownload = new hashmap<string, object>();                 hm.put("flag_path",imgurl);                 hm.put("position", i);                  // starting imageloadertask download , populate image in listview                 imageloadertask.execute(hm);             }         }     }      /** asynctask download , load image in listview */     private class imageloadertask extends asynctask<hashmap<string, object>, void, hashmap<string, object>>{          @override         protected hashmap<string, object> doinbackground(hashmap<string, object>... hm) {              inputstream istream=null;             string imgurl = (string) hm[0].get("flag_path");             int position = (integer) hm[0].get("position");              url url;             try {                 url = new url(imgurl);                  // creating http connection communicate url                 httpurlconnection urlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();                  // connecting url                 urlconnection.connect();                  // reading data url                 istream = urlconnection.getinputstream();                  // getting caching directory                 file cachedirectory = getbasecontext().getcachedir();                  // temporary file store downloaded image                 file tmpfile = new file(cachedirectory.getpath() + "/wpta_"+position+".png");                  // fileoutputstream temporary file                 fileoutputstream foutstream = new fileoutputstream(tmpfile);                  // creating bitmap downloaded inputstream                 bitmap b = bitmapfactory.decodestream(istream);                  // writing bitmap temporary file png file                 b.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png,100, foutstream);                  // flush fileoutputstream                 foutstream.flush();                  //close fileoutputstream                 foutstream.close();                  // create hashmap object store image path , position in listview                 hashmap<string, object> hmbitmap = new hashmap<string, object>();                  // storing path temporary image file                 hmbitmap.put("flag",tmpfile.getpath());                  // storing position of image in listview                 hmbitmap.put("position",position);                  // returning hashmap object containing image path , position                 return hmbitmap;              }catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             return null;         } 


public class storejsonparser {     // receives jsonobject , returns list     public list<hashmap<string,object>> parse(jsonobject jobject){          jsonarray jcountries = null;         try {             // retrieves elements in 'countries' array             jcountries = jobject.getjsonarray("storelistfood");         } catch (jsonexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }          // invoking getcountries array of json object         // each json object represent country         return getcountries(jcountries);     }      private list<hashmap<string, object>> getcountries(jsonarray jcountries){         int countrycount = jcountries.length();         list<hashmap<string, object>> countrylist = new arraylist<hashmap<string,object>>();         hashmap<string, object> country = null;          // taking each country, parses , adds list object         for(int i=0; i<countrycount;i++){             try {                 // call getcountry country json object parse country                 country = getcountry((jsonobject)jcountries.get(i));                 countrylist.add(country);              } catch (jsonexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }          return countrylist;     }      // parsing country json object     private hashmap<string, object> getcountry(jsonobject jcountry){          hashmap<string, object> country = new hashmap<string, object>();         string countryname = "";         string flag="";         /*string language = "";         string capital = "";         string currencycode = "";         string currencyname = "";*/          try {             countryname = jcountry.getstring("storename");             flag = jcountry.getstring("logo");             /*language = jcountry.getstring("language");             capital = jcountry.getstring("capital");             currencycode = jcountry.getjsonobject("currency").getstring("code");             currencyname = jcountry.getjsonobject("currency").getstring("currencyname");*/              /*string details =        "language : " + language + "\n"; +                     "capital : " + capital + "\n" +                     "currency : " + currencyname + "(" + currencycode + ")";*/              country.put("country", countryname);             country.put("flag", r.drawable.ninety_six);             country.put("flag_path", flag);             //country.put("details", details);          } catch (jsonexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return country;     } } 

this error logcat protocol not found: null 

at line url = new url(imgurl); , private class imageloadertask

i trying load images in listview using json. pretty sure url in database valid.


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