maven - no main manifest attribute, in jar -

i trying run jar created maven shade plugin. configuring main class following way:

<project> ... <build> <plugins>   <plugin>     <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>     <artifactid>maven-shade-plugin</artifactid>     <version>2.3</version>     <executions>       <execution>         <phase>package</phase>         <goals>           <goal>shade</goal>         </goals>         <configuration>           <transformers>             <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.manifestresourcetransformer">               <manifestentries>                 <main-class>org.comany.mainclass</main-class>                 <build-number>123</build-number>               </manifestentries>             </transformer>           </transformers>         </configuration>       </execution>     </executions>   </plugin> </plugins> 


but when try running jar using java -jar app.jar gives following error

 "no main manifest attribute, in  app.jar" 

edit: checked contents of jar using jar tf app.jar , see file. not have entry main class. how make sure manifest file in jar has entry apart adding in shade plugin configuration?

don't forget add shade target:

mvn clean package shade:shade


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