c++ - MFC SetTitle() causing weird debug assertion -

whenever call settitle() in mfc application, debug assertion failed. haven't set assert anything; in truth i'm not sure how explain what's going on.

i 3 debug assertions loop round continuously dozen times before application continues. if keep clicking "ignore" after 20 clicks boxes go away , applciation continues running normal.

the first 2 assertions thrown wincore.cpp lines 952 , 954. area of code is:

else if (m_hwnd == hwnd_notopmost)     assert(this == &cwnd::wndnotopmost); else {     // should normal window     assert(::iswindow(m_hwnd));      // should in permanent or temporary handle map     chandlemap* pmap = afxmaphwnd();     assert(pmap != null);      cobject* p=null;     if(pmap)     {         assert( (p = pmap->lookuppermanent(m_hwnd)) != null ||                 (p = pmap->lookuptemporary(m_hwnd)) != null);     }     assert((cwnd*)p == this);   // must 

the third assertion thrown dbgrptt.c, line 85. offending code snippet is:

_crtimp void _cdecl _crtdbgbreak(     void     ) {     __debugbreak(); } 

(it's breaking @ __debugbreak() function).

i not sure start this. call stack visible here: http://s18.postimg.org/lhoz1rwqh/callstack.png

thanks in advance.


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