google chrome - Opening Browser Instances from different Vendors -

i know subject little bit weird, have given because got requirement client open ie instance chrome browser.

i know question has been asked many times, since it's client requirement can't ignore. have upgraded application on latest browser 1 of functionalities still supported ie browsers only. know 1 way can create hta file , open default browser still it's big pain integrate hta in javascript(please let me know if ideas). creating activexobject in chrome browser pain.

please guide me how can impress client it's small business.


here example of hta showing how open links ie, chrome ,firefox , default browser , how pass command line.

<html> <head> <hta:application applicationname="open links ie, chrome , firefox , how pass command line" border="thin" borderstyle="normal" icon="explorer.exe" innerborder="no" maximizebutton="no" minimizebutton="no" scroll="no" selection="no" singleinstance="yes"/> <title>open links ie, chrome , firefox , how pass command line</title> <script language="vbscript"> '************************************************************************************ option explicit  function executer(strcmd,console)     dim ws,mycmd,resultat     set ws = createobject("") 'la valeur 0 pour cacher la console ms-dos     if console = 0         mycmd = "cmd /c " & strcmd & " "         resultat =,console,true)         if resultat = 0             'msgbox "success"         else             msgbox "une erreur inconnue est survenue !",16,"une erreur inconnue est survenue !"         end if     end if 'la valeur 1 pour montrer la console ms-dos     if console = 1         mycmd = "cmd /k " & strcmd & " "         resultat =,console,false)         if resultat = 0             'msgbox "success"         else             msgbox "une erreur inconnue est survenue !",16,"une erreur inconnue est survenue !"         end if     end if     executer = resultat end function '************************************************************************************ sub window_onload()     centerwindow 480,400 end sub '************************************************************************************ sub centerwindow(x,y)     dim ileft,itop     window.resizeto x,y     ileft = window.screen.availwidth/2 - x/2     itop = window.screen.availheight/2 - y/2     window.moveto ileft,itop end sub '************************************************************************************ sub ip_publique()     dim titre,url,ie,objfso,data,output,objregex,match,matches,ip_public     titre = "adresse ip publique !"     url = ""     if online("") = true         set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application")         set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")         ie.navigate (url)         ie.visible=false         while ie.busy             sleep 100         loop         data = ie.document.documentelement.innertext         set objregex = new regexp         objregex.pattern = "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" = false         objregex.ignorecase = true         set matches = objregex.execute(data)         each match in matches             msgbox "votre ip publique est : "& match.value,64,titre         next         ie.quit         set ie = nothing     else         msgbox "vérifier votre connexion internet puis re-executer ce script",48,titre         exit sub     end if end sub  '************************************************************************************** sub sleep(msecs)'fonction pour faire une pause car wscript.sleep ne marche pas dans un hta     dim fso,objoutputfile     set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")     dim tempfolder : set tempfolder = fso.getspecialfolder(2)     dim tempname : tempname = "sleeper.vbs"     if fso.fileexists(tempfolder&"\"&tempname)=false         set objoutputfile = fso.createtextfile(tempfolder&"\"&tempname, true)         objoutputfile.write "wscript.sleep wscript.arguments(0)"         objoutputfile.close     end if     createobject("").run tempfolder&"\"&tempname &" "& msecs,1,true end sub '************************************************************************************** sub ssid_names() dim objshell,fso,file,strcontents,objregex,objmatch,colmatches     set objshell = createobject("")     set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")     if executer("netsh wlan show > wlan.txt",0) = 0         set file = fso.opentextfile("wlan.txt",1)         strcontents = file.readall         set objregex = new regexp         objregex.ignorecase = true = true         objregex.multiline = true         objregex.pattern = """([^""]+)"""         set colmatches = objregex.execute(strcontents)         each objmatch in colmatches             msgbox "ssid name: " & objmatch.value,64,"ssid name"         next     end if end sub '*************************************************************************************** function online(strhost) dim objping,z,objretstatus,pingstatus     set objping = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}").execquery("select * win32_pingstatus address = '" & strhost & "'")     z = 0                 z = z + 1         each objretstatus in objping             if isnull(objretstatus.statuscode) or objretstatus.statuscode <> 0                 pingstatus = false             else                 pingstatus = true             end if           next             sleep 200         if z = 4 exit     loop until pingstatus = true     if pingstatus = true          online = true     else         online = false     end if end function '*************************************************************************************** sub wlan_networks()     if executer("netsh wlan show profiles > wlan_tmp.txt & netsh wlan show networks >> wlan_tmp.txt & netsh wlan show interfaces >> wlan_tmp.txt & cmd /u /c type wlan_tmp.txt > wlan_networks.txt",0) = 0         call executer("start wlan_networks.txt & del wlan_tmp.txt",0)     end if end sub </script> </head> <p>links list (examples) :</p> <ol> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start iexplore.exe',0)">lien google avec iexplore.exe</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start chrome.exe',0)">lien bbat avec chrome.exe</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start firefox.exe',0)">lien avec firefox.exe</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start chrome.exe',0)">lien yahoo avec chrome.exe</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start chrome.exe',0)">lien (français) avec chrome.exe</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start chrome.exe',0)">lien (anglais) avec chrome.exe</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="call executer('start',0)">lien sfr avec votre navigateur default</a></li> </ol> <body text=white bgcolor="darkorange" topmargin="1" leftmargin="1">  <center><button onclick="call executer('mode con cols=90 lines=15 & color 0a & title ping sur hackoo & ping',1)">ping on</button><hr>  <center><button onclick="call executer('findstr /? > helpfindstrtmp.txt & cmd /u /c type helpfindstrtmp.txt > helpfindstr.txt & start helpfindstr.txt',0)">help sur findstr</button>  <button onclick="call executer('ipconfig /all > configtmp.txt & cmd /u /c type configtmp.txt > myipconfig.txt & del configtmp.txt & start myipconfig.txt',0)">ipconfig</button>  <button onclick="call executer('mode con cols=80 lines=50 & color 9b & title hackoo & netstat -a',1)">netstat</button>  <button onclick="call executer('mode con cols=60 lines=10 & color 0a & title hackoo & arp -a',1)">arp</button><hr>  <button onclick="call executer('mode con cols=80 lines=30 & color 9b & title tracert vers hackoo & tracert',1)">tracert  stackoverflow</button><br><hr>  <center><button onclick="call ip_publique">ip publique</button>  <button onclick="call ssid_names()">ssid wlan</button>   <button onclick="call wlan_networks()">wlan network</button>  </center>  </center> </body> </html> 


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