base64 - Gmail API playground: Send method, converted MIME raw header not populating email fields on send -
i'm using google oauth 2.0 playground , attempting send email. autentication working fine. here simple message i'm trying send (email address changed prevent spam):
to: 'michael to' <> from: 'john from' <> subject: 'test message' htmlbody: '<b>hi!</b><br>test message'
i convert base64 rfc 822 using vba gets me (i've tried swapping "+" , "-" per other stackoverflow posts no avail):
in playground method post , i've added 2 headers:
raw: , base64 string above (no quotes or anything) content-type: message/rfc822 <i added because kept getting different error. putting prevetned error>
request uri (removed https cause won't let me post more 2 links)://
i click "send request" , ok response:
here request:
post /upload/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send http/1.1 host: raw: <string above> content-length: 0 content-type: message/rfc822 authorization: bearer <my token>
http/1.1 200 ok alternate-protocol: 443:quic,p=1 content-length: 91 expires: fri, 01 jan 1990 00:00:00 gmt vary: origin, x-origin server: uploadserver ("built on jun 6 2015 11:14:45 (1433614485)") etag: "yanof_dhyoakpariszqhtvrsqto/nwevnuuzauu_lb19l-uhrwaausm" pragma: no-cache cache-control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate date: wed, 10 jun 2015 15:59:36 gmt content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 { "labelids": [ "sent" ], "id": "14dde32bc92c9xyz", "threadid": "14dde32bc92c9xyz" }
however, when go gmail sent mail folder, message there nothing in to, subject, or body field: see screenshot
i have imagine simple, i'm new google gmail api, mime, , dealing raw base64 stuff, i'm not having luck.
thanks in advance assistance.
--- edit per tholle's response ---
that helps! removed raw base64 string header , put:
from: 'john from' <> subject: test message to: 'michael to' <> test message
into "enter request body" , sends, great!
three follow questions:
- are there security risks or limitations (max length? see there might 2mb limitation lot of text.) sending way (in body) opposed raw base64 string in header?
- (i'll dig more on this) how make message body html? content type of "content-type: message/rfc822" prevent me being able send html? sending html requirement application , can't have 2 content types, there html parameter can use or out of luck?
- (i'll homework on well) how include attachment, pdf file, email?
thanks again!
i think violating few minor details of rfc 822 standard:
it recommended that, if present, headers sent in order "return- path", "received", "date", "from", "subject", "sender", "to", "cc", etc.
i can't find life of me, think headers has have first character capitalized. try this:
from: john <> subject: test subject to: michael <> test message
you don't want send base64-encoded mail if choose message/rfc822 content-type. supply example mail above is.
post /upload/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send http/1.1 host: content-length: 108 content-type: message/rfc822 authorization: bearer {your_access_token} from: john <> subject: test subject to: michael <> test message
if want html, modify message this:
from: john <> subject: test subject to: michael <> content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable <b>test message</b>
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