Importing jHipster projects into intellij -

i start using intellij have used eclipse. imported same jhipster project have been working on in eclipse , intellij says missing springboot file. has ever encountered issue before? how did work through issue?

now keep in mind still learning way around intellij , have ultimate version free 1 year (student version). turned on several reasons , want give solid shot.

event log:

5:39:25 pm unknown natures detected            imported projects contain unknown natures:            org.eclipse.wst.common.modulecore.modulecorenature            org.eclipse.m2e.core.maven2nature            org.eclipse.jem.workbench.javaemfnature            org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.nature            org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.jsnature            settings may lost after import. 5:39:26 pm error importing module 'hillcresttooldie': not find .springbeans 5:39:34 pm non-managed pom.xml file found:            /users/drewjocham/documents/metal/hillcresttooldie/pom.xml            add maven project or disable notification (show balloon) 5:46:11 pm error running unnamed: cannot start process, working directory /applications/intellij idea not exist 5:46:17 pm error running unnamed: cannot start process, working directory /applications/intellij idea not exist 5:46:32 pm error running unnamed: cannot start process, working directory /applications/intellij idea not exist 5:46:33 pm error running unnamed: cannot start process, working directory /applications/intellij idea not exist 5:47:13 pm error running unnamed: cannot start process, working directory /applications/intellij idea not exist 

go edit configurations , select appropriate settings, me spring boot. make sure hit + button add , new configuration , name it. if saying file not found, click on event log , select import maven project.


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