angularjs xeditable and angularjs ui-tinymce together in an editable form -

is way make textarea ui-tinymce part of , editable-form?. found workaround making ng-model of editable-textarea , textarea ui-tinymce same , hide editable-textarea.

<form                                       onaftersave="onsave({$data:$data})"    editable-form     name="forms.{{formname}}"    >    <textarea ui-tinymce="tinymceoptions"       name="desccomp"       ng-model="item.desccomp">                  </textarea>    <div        e-ng-show="false"        editable-textarea="item.desccomp"       e-name="desccomp"       >    </div> </form> 

actually, tinymce has inline abilities

i'm facing same issue , thinking i'm gonna use tinymce (with angular-ui-tinymce) leaving xeditable case).


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