arrays - Moving rows from spreadsheets to new documents based on owner name with filling information in document -
i have spreadsheet named project log have 6 columns,
timestamp task owner date keywords email
here have different owners. need create document owner name , move particular owner row owner document.
i able looping had issue when duplicate names creating document , sending data per requirement need have 1 document on particular owner , move duplicate owner name owner itself.
example of owner column.
joe john john
here need create document "joe" name , append body whole row have 2 "john"s need create 1 document i.e., "john" , move 2 rows single document if find more on name should able send row particular owner document.
and looping code is:
function createdocfromsheet() { var ss = spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.setactivesheet(ss.getsheets()[2]); var numrows=ss.getlastrow(); var values = ss.getdatarange().getvalues() for(n=2;n<=values.length;++n) { var cell = sheet.getrange(n,3).getvalue(); var row = sheet.getrange(n,2,1,5).getvalues(); var newdoc = documentapp.create("task report - "+cell); var body = newdoc.getbody(); body.insertparagraph(0,row); newdoc.saveandclose(); } }
if name repeating in column once, can firstindex , lastindex of range array , check if 2 positions matches or not.
giving algorithmic code below:
var array1 = sheet.getrange(1,3,sheets.getlastrow()).getvalues(); (example values might array1 = [a,b,c,a,c,d]) var var1 = sheet.getrange(n,3).getvalue(); var var2 = array1.indexof(var1); var var3 = array1.lastindexof(var1); if(var2 == var3) { // means there no repetition of name. } else{ //get values both rows , create document. // make flag variable array note doc created name. }
hope helps!
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