Cannot replace keyword using PHP Regex -

i want replace 'keyword' in <img ..keyword../> using php regular expressions.

$content = '&lt;img alt="hello" src=""&gt;';  $content = preg_replace('/(&lt;img\s(?!&gt;)*?)(hello)((?!&gt;)*&gt;)/u', '$1%&&&&&%$3', $content); 

i can't replace 'hello'. please tell me wrong.

first translate &lt; , &gt; tokens source string < , >. way far easier handle. preg_replace() , translate them again in target string.

$src= strtr('&lt;img alt="hello" src=""&gt;',array('&lt;'=>'<','&gt;'=>'>')); $trg = strtr(preg_replace('/(<img[^>]*")(hello)(".*)/', '$1xxxxx$3', $src),array('<'=>'&lt;','>'=>'&gt;')); echo $trg; 

not elegant trick.


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