python - Matplotlib axis time formatter -
i have logarithmic axis time in seconds on labels
10^1 sec, 10^2 sec, 10^3 sec, 10^4 sec ...
like similarily possible engformatter want have axis ticks , labels in seconds, minutes, hours, days, this:
0 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 12 hour, 1 day ...
how axis ticks , labels that?
i able create axis wanted
with code:
def to_time(x, position): x = float(x) timeunit = 'sec' if x >= 60: x = x/60 timeunit = 'min' if x >= 60: x = x/60 timeunit = 'h' # can modify actual string here string = '%.0f%s' % (x,timeunit) return string #... plots here ax.set_yscale('log') tickermajor = loglocator(base=60) tickerminor = loglocator(base=60, subs=[10,20,30,40,50]) ticklabels = funcformatter(to_time) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(tickermajor) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(tickerminor) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticklabels)
hope helps somebody. works sec, min , hours, not days, months etc no longer reachable log60.
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