c# - How to use more than 1 Model on a page by using asp.net mvc 5? -

i want use 2 models. first on index.cshtml page, , second on _layout.cshtml page

in controller contains action public actionresult index(){...}, declare values , return view(). this:

public actionresult index() {    homepageviewmodel model = new homepageviewmodel();    // something...    return view(model); } 

and in myprojectname.models, write classes check login account , put on page _layout.cshtml. this:

on page _layout.cshtml:

@using myprojectname.models @model myprojectname.models.loginmodel  @if (model.loginaccount != null) {    foreach(account acc in model.loginaccount)    {       @html.actionlink(@acc.email, "someaction", "somecontroller", null, new { id = "loginemail" })       @html.actionlink("logout", "someaction", "somecontroller", null, new { id = "logout" })    } } 

the code on page _layout.cshtml doesn't work. said that: have returned model (homepageviewmodel model), values want render referenced myprojectname.models.loginmodel

main requirement is: first model used display content on page index.cshtml, , second model used check user login (on page _layout.cshtml).

can tell me how that? thank you!

in layout use html.action() or html.renderaction() call childactiononly method returns partial view loginmodel

[childactiononly] public actionresult login() {   loginmodel model = // initialize model want display in layout   return partialview(model); } 

and create partial view displays links, in layout

@ { html.renderaction("login", "yourcontrollername") } 


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