html - how to apply css class and also change css attribute dynamically in angularjs using ng-class? -
i want apply css class 'headerstyle' change color attribute defined in 'headerstyle' when user choose color color picker this. catch want use ng-class. possible able using ng-class, have done same thing using mixture of class , ng-style wish using ng-class only.
html code :
<input colorpicker type="text" ng-model="headercolor">
i tried not working - header div :
<div ng-class="[headerstyle:true, {'background-color' : headercolor}]">
and this-
<div ng-class= "{headerstyle:true, 'background-color' : headercolor}">
here css class headerstyle -
.headerstyle { font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif !important; padding-top: 4px; font-size: 15px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; text-shadow: #666666 1px 1px 1px; line-height: 16px; border: none; }
thanx in advance
<div class= "headerstyle" ng-class= "{'background-color' : headercolor}">
should enough. don't need put static class ng-class. ng-class add other classes static ones.
if headercolor evaluate true. result :
<div class= "headerstyle background-color">
edit :
according comment, need ng-style.
<div class= "headerstyle" ng-style="divstyle">
and in js :
$scope.headercolor = "#ffffff"; $scope.divstyle = { background-color : $scope.headercolor }
some precision
ng-class :
ng-class used define class element according values. purpose add dynamic classes
ng-style :
ng-style used give style object custom css. purpose add dynamic style
here plunker 2 working exemples
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