PowerShell - Remote Start-Process - "This command cannot be run due to the error: This operation requires an interactive window station." -

i trying start smartbear's testexecute program remotely through powershell , i'm getting error when trying call start-process.

this command cannot run due error: requested operation requires elevation. + categoryinfo : invalidoperation: (:) [start-process], invalidoperationexception + fullyqualifiederrorid : invalidoperationexception,microsoft.powershell.commands.startprocesscommand + pscomputername : myclient.ourdomain.local

i can't figure out how around this. how make work?

here's script:

#  $testexecutelocalsource directory of testexecute.exe on remote machine #  $testprojectsuite directory of project suite on remote machine #  these paths local (relative remote machine)  function starttestexecute {             $rs = get-pssession      $script = {param($testexecutelocalsource, $testprojectsuite);          cd $testexecutelocalsource             start-process .\testexecute.exe -nonewwindow -argumentlist $testprojectsuite, '/r', '/p:esignregression', '/e'     }       invoke-command -session $rs -scriptblock $script -argumentlist ($testexecutelocalsource, $testprojectsuite) 

when running tests, testcomplete/testexecute must have access system gui. when running test on remote machine using approach, gui not accessible , testexecute cannot work. best way run test remotely using network suite feature of testcomplete. automatically create gui session on remote machine , run test within it.


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