sql server - SQL - How to use the output from an insert to update a table -
question info
detailed question
the best way can explain question explain desired outcome. i'm trying take set of offices, insert data dbo.deliverylocation table, take output inserted.deliverylocationid , update corresponding office's deliverylocationid field id.
desired outcome example
office data before
officeid | deliverylocationid ----------------------------- 1 | null 2 | null 3 | null
run sql statement
office data after
officeid | deliverylocationid ----------------------------- 1 | 5 2 | 6 3 | 7
delivery location deliverylocationid of 5 created data of office officeid of 1
delivery location deliverylocationid of 6 created data of office officeid of 2
delivery location deliverylocationid of 7 created data of office officeid of 3
the problem
per current sql script below, can see have first part (inserting office data delivery location table) complete. second part (updating office corresponding deliverylocationid of created delivery location) not complete, , unsure how go doing that.
my initial thoughts/ solutions
if there way store correlated officeid , deliverylocationid, perhaps loop through them , update offices in second sql statement rather try create 1 sql statement everything.
[deliverylocationid] [int] identity(1,1) not null, [locationname] [nvarchar](max) null, [shortname] [nvarchar](max) null, [validatedaddressid] [int] not null, [dropoffinstruction] [nvarchar](max) null, [pickupinstruction] [nvarchar](max) null, [taxrate] [decimal](18, 2) not null, [active] [bit] not null, [disableoffices] [bit] not null
[officeid] [int] identity(1,1) not null, [officename] [nvarchar](max) null, [validatedaddressid] [int] not null, [referralsource] [nvarchar](max) not null, [numberofemployees] [int] not null, [deliverylocationid] [int] null
current sql
insert dbo.deliverylocation (locationname, shortname, validatedaddressid, active, disableoffices) output inserted.deliverylocationid select officename, officename, validatedaddressid, 0, 0 dbo.office o officeid in ( select distinct officeid dbo.[user] u u.deliverylocationid null , u.officeid not null )
i'm not sure doing in insert
statement, if use merge
statement using office (or query based on office) source, you'll able refer source.officeid inserted.deliverylocationid in output
clause. can skip update , delete usage of merge
, , use on not matched
when i'm doing things put output temp table, carry out further updates or inserts need there.
in case you've not used merge
statement before (or hasn't used of capabilities), fantastic resource on how use them, , how use them well: http://www.made2mentor.com/2012/07/got-the-urge-to-merge/
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