mobile - Phones dialing wrong number from tel-hyperlink -

we received complaint visitors our website dialing wrong number in contact us.

our website has hyperlink in following form in footer:

call @ <a href="tel:+4712345678">12345678</a> 

note "+47" (international code) not displayed visually, included in hyperlink. turns out limited number of people (circa 1 day) calling private local number @ 47123456. not many considering size of our business, still major nuisance family receiving these calls.

the people calling pressed link dial.

has else had these problems? aware of mobile phones not support tel hyperlink? suggestions solution? (apart changing our or phone number, of course.)

there different ways smart phones pick telephone number. reading text of website - use tag

on first try: add +47 displayed telephone number on second try (or both together): replace +47 0047 (its norway - or?)

and before posting got third idea: encoding has webserver , encoding has html / php page in sourcecode? both utf-8 or else? maybe server sending in different way website created , somehow smartphones can't handle correctly.


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