java - JAX-WS WebService via CXF provides inaccurate wsdl -

i've deployed simple jax-ws service, built contract-first. in jax-ws endpoint configuration, specify location of original wsdl. however, not wsdl returned cxf. original wsdl contains policy statements important part of contract, , should visible in wsdl service consumers.

i know wsdl location i'm setting on endpoint correct. when it's not correct, deployment of war fails. i've logged value double-check.

when deployed locally, service available @ http://localhost:8080/store-web-0.1.0/services/store.

problem: wsdl available @ http://localhost:8080/store-web-0.1.0/services/store?wsdl not contain policy statements can seen in original wsdl. leaving out important part of contract not acceptable.

question: why wsdl available @ http://localhost:8080/store-web-0.1.0/services/store?wsdl missing policy statements , not original wsdl configured on jax-ws endpoint?

additional details below. please let me know if there's other information you'd see.

thanks in advance!


we're using: jboss eap 6.2, cxf 2.7.16 (moving cxf 3.x not option), spring 4.1.6

we exclude 'webservices' subsystem in our jboss-deployment-descriptor.xml file

jax-ws configuration class

@bean storeimpl storeimpl() {     return new storeimpl(); }  @bean public endpoint storeserviceendpoint() {     endpointimpl endpoint = new endpointimpl(storeimpl());     endpoint.publish("/store");      // configuration located in war, wsdl in separate jar     string wsdllocation = this.getclass().getresource("/store.wsdl").tostring();      endpoint.setwsdllocation(wsdllocation);     return endpoint; } 

web service implementation class

@webservice(endpointinterface = "", servicename = "store") public class storeimpl implements store {      public storeimpl() {     }      @override     public buysomethingresponse buysomething(buysomethingrequest buysomethingrequest) {          // operation implementation code here          return response;     }  } 

web application initialization

@order(value=1) public class storewebinitializer implements webapplicationinitializer {      @override     public void onstartup(servletcontext container) throws servletexception {         annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext context = new annotationconfigwebapplicationcontext();         context.register(jaxwsendpointconfig.class);          container.addlistener(new contextloaderlistener(context));       } }  @order(value=2) public class cxfwebinitializer implements webapplicationinitializer {      @override     public void onstartup(servletcontext container) throws servletexception {         servletregistration.dynamic dispatcher = container.addservlet("cxfservlet", cxfservlet.class);          dispatcher.addmapping("/services/*");    } } 

i able find issues, of there 3.

issue #1 seen in jax-ws configuration class code included in question, setting wsdl location after publishing endpoint.

issues #2 , #3 @webservice annotation on storeimpl class needed 2 additional attributes set: targetnamespace , portname. values needed to, obviously, match defined in original wsdl.


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