Python use 2 lists in 1 loop -

i have below code has list r3000, list of links save html.

is possible save files different names using separate list?

for example, r3000 include link ('') have list called r3000sym ['a','','',...]. file saved a.html.

import time import urllib2 urllib2 import urlopen  r3000 = ['',          '',          '',          '',          '',          '',          '',          '']  def yahookeystats(stock):     try:         site= stock         hdr = {'user-agent': 'mozilla/5.0'}         req = urllib2.request(site,headers=hdr)         page = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()           datafile = 'a.html'         f = open(datafile,'a')         f.write(page)         f.close()          print 'done',stock      except exception,e:         print str(e)   eachstock in r3000:     yahookeystats(eachstock) 

itertools looking for:

import itertools it1,it2 in itertools.izip(list1,list2):     print(it1,it2) 

zip takes 2 lists , makes tupled list out of them, itertools allows iterate @ same time.


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