unit testing - Wallaby js in Visual Studio : tests in different folder -
i using wallaby.js jasmine fe unit tests. separate tests productive code in such way, create 2 projects - , a_test. productive code in , test code in a_test.
the problem wallaby is, can not make work such configuration since seems not support relative '../../' notation.
my example json configuration:
{ "files": [ "../../a/src/*.js" <--- part doesn't work ], "tests": [ "test/*spec.js" ], "testframework": "jasmine@2.2.1" }
(it seems wallabys fault since test in jasmine works fine ../ paths, full path doesn't work)
do know if possible support such structure?
i added wallaby.json file visual studio solution items. physically placed outside folders of 2 projects. 1 called ckm , other called ckmclientunittest.
the following wallby.json resulted in running javascript test separate project, including sut javascript's main project. jquery included in tests main project.
{ "files": [ "style/calculator.css", { "pattern": "ckm/wwwroot/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.js", "instrument": false }, { "pattern": "ckm/wwwroot/mashup/lib/*.js" } ], "tests": [ "ckm.clientunittest/wwwroot/mashup/lib/*testjasmine.js" ], "testframework": "jasmine@2.1.3" }
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