Search and add a ldap entry using JSP/JNDI -

i'm trying add ldap entry jsp/jndi. code rough, i'm learning, if have advice please tell me. search section works fine. addentry section doesn't. tells me :

" exception occurred: [ldap: error code 50 - entry cn=m,o=rubrica,dc=example,dc=com cannot added due insufficient access rights] " 

this code:

<%@page import="javax.naming.namingenumeration"%> <%@page contenttype="text/html" pageencoding="utf-8"%>     <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"""> <%@page import="java.util.*" %> <%@page import="javax.naming.ldap.*" %> <%@page import="*"%> <%@page import=""%> <%@page import=""%> <%@page import="javax.naming.context" %> <%@page import="javax.naming.initialcontext" %> <%@page import="javax.naming.namingexception" %>   <html> <head>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">     <title>jsp page</title> </head> <body>     <h2>rubrica</h2>        <!-- search entry  -->        <br>     <h3>search:</h3>     <form action="" method="post">         search entry: <input type="text" name="search""><br>     <input type="submit" value="search">     </form>     <br><br>      <%      //creating initial context search function:     //context = objects state set of bindings (=ldap entries), have distinct atomic names.      //the hashtable class represents environments properties parameters                     hashtable env = new hashtable();         env.put(context.initial_context_factory,"com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory");         env.put(context.provider_url, "ldap://localhost:1389/o=rubrica,dc=example,dc=com");         dircontext ctx = new initialdircontext(env);         env.put(context.security_principal,"cn=directory manager,dc=example,dc=com");         env.put(context.security_credentials,"secret");        string searchname = (string)request.getparameter("search");       try{         request.getparameter("search");         attributes attrs = ctx.getattributes("cn = " + searchname);         out.println(attrs.get("cn").get()+": ");                     out.println(attrs.get("telephonenumber").get());      }       catch (exception e){         out.println("an exception occurred: " + e.getmessage());      }             %>       <br><br>------------------------------------</br><br>        <!-- add entry  -->       <br>     <h3>add entry:</h3>     <form action="" method="post">         add entry:<br><br>         full name:   <input type="text" name="addcn"><br>         surname:     <input type="text" name="surname"><br>         phonenumber: <input type="text" name="pn"><br>     <input type="submit" value="addentry">     </form>     <br><br>      <%                    string addcn = (string)request.getparameter("addcn");      string surname = (string)request.getparameter("surname");      string pn = (string)request.getparameter("pn");       try{         //create new set of attributes         basicattributes attrs1 = new basicattributes();         //(the item person)         attribute classes = new basicattribute("objectclass");         classes.add("top");         classes.add("person"); //   classes.add("organizationalperson");         // add objectclass attribute attribute set            attrs1.put(classes);         // store other attributes in attribute set            attrs1.put("sn", surname);            attrs1.put("telephonenumber", pn);         // add new entry directory server             ctx.createsubcontext("ldap://localhost:1389/cn="+addcn+",o=rubrica,dc=example,dc=com", attrs1);              }          catch (exception e){             out.println("an exception occurred: " + e.getmessage());      }                  %>  </body> 

i added "remove entry" part:

    <h3>remove entry:</h3>     <form method="post">         insert entry remove: <input type="text" name="deluser""><br>     <input type="submit" value="remove">     </form><br><br>        <%     string deluser = (string)request.getparameter("deluser");     try     {         ctx.destroysubcontext("cn="+deluser);         }         catch (exception e){             out.println("an exception occurred: " + e.getmessage());         }     %> 

and page gives me same authentication error. ps. i'm using ldap + sasl on machine. maybe problem.

[solved] problem order of instruction creation of context incorrect. in code above doing anonymous authetication. follows correct flow of operation:

        env.put(context.initial_context_factory,"com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory");                              env.put(context.provider_url, "ldap://localhost:1389/o=rubrica,dc=example,dc=com");          env.put(context.security_authentication, "simple");                      env.put(context.security_principal,"cn=directory manager");                     env.put(context.security_credentials,"secret");           dircontext ctx = new initialdircontext(env); 

from error seems don't have access rights add entry in tree hierarchy trying add entry. 1 of these tasks:

  1. use admin user add entry.
  2. try add entry in hierarchy have rights add entry.
  3. grant rights user using add entry.


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