javascript - Fibonacci sequence animation -

i attempting program fibonacci sequence animation on html5 canvas using javascript.

i have calculated fibonacci numbers , able add squares grid layout. trouble having being able calculate offset automatically fit side side nicely. have pointers how can achieved.

here javascript code:

var canvas; var context;  function init(){      canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas');     context = canvas.getcontext('2d');      drawgrid();     drawlines();  }   function drawgrid(){      context.strokestyle="lightgrey";      for(var = 0; < 600; i+=20){          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(i, 0);         context.lineto(i, 600);         context.stroke();          context.beginpath();         context.moveto(0, i);         context.lineto(600, i);         context.stroke();      }  }  function drawlines(){      context.strokestyle="blue";     var startleft = (canvas.width / 2) - 20;     var starttop = (canvas.height / 2) - 20;      var first = 1;     var second = 1;     var next = 0;     var c = 0;     var count = 0;      (var = 0; < 5; i++){          if ( c <= 1 ){              next = 1;          }else{              next = first + second;             first = second;             second = next;          }          c++;         next *= 20;           //this minor attempt @ offsetting not work ever         switch(count) {             case 1:                 startleft += next;                 break;             case 2:                 starttop-=next;                 break;             case 3:                 starttop -= next - 20;                 startleft -= next;                 break;             case 4:                 starttop += next - 80;                 startleft += next - 160;                 break;         }          context.beginpath();         context.rect(startleft,starttop,next,next);         context.stroke();          count++;          if (count > 4){              count = 1;          }          startleft = (canvas.width / 2) - 20;         starttop = (canvas.height / 2) - 20;      }  } 


one way keep track of coordinates @ times , increment depending of orientation of following square place. think whole structure ok, there info lacking, keeping bottom , right coordinates.

something seems work (i've put increment of 10 see if logic ok, should work any):

function drawlines() {      context.strokestyle = "blue";     var curleft = (canvas.width / 2) - 10;     var curtop = (canvas.height / 2) - 10;     //you add right , bottom position calculate positioning later.     var curright = curleft + 10;     var curbottom = curtop + 10;      var first = 0;     var second = 1;     var next = 10;     var c = 0;     //you draw first square out of loop cause it's conditions     //not same, meaning positioning not dependent on previous square     context.beginpath();     context.rect(curleft, curtop, next, next);     context.stroke();      (var = 1; <= 9; i++) {          next = first + second;         first = second;         second = next;          next *= 10;         //changed fetch if square should added right, top, left or bottom         count = % 4          //you switch depending on you're at. each direction has increment pattern.         //for example add right keep bottom, current right left positioning         //and increment top depending on next value. structure          //similar yours since have right , bottom it's          //easier place each square correctly         switch (count) {             case 0:                  curright = curleft + next                 curleft = curleft                 curtop = curbottom                 curbottom = curbottom + next                  break;             case 1:                 curleft = curright                 curright = curright + next                 curtop = curbottom - next                 curbottom = curbottom                  break;              case 2:                 curleft = curright - next                 curright = curright                 curbottom = curtop                 curtop = curbottom - next                 break;             case 3:                 curright = curleft                 curleft = curleft - next                 curbottom = curtop + next                 curtop = curtop                 break;         }        // rest pretty same         context.beginpath();         context.rect(curleft, curtop, next, next);         context.stroke();          count++;      }  } 

see fiddle:


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