sql - does this LEFT OUTER JOIN statement look correct? -

i' not getting error message seem getting 5 results no matter choose, leaves me beleive there wrong sql statement. i'm usint node.js tedious connect sql 2008 r2 database. previous statements worked, simple select statement posting date clause. know there spaces in column names not practice, there nothing can because thedatabase utilized navision. there no line breaks, did make appear more orderly guys.

select      ta.[amount],       ta.[posting date],       ta.[entry no_],       ta.[document no_],       tb.[salesperson code]  [showtex belgie nv$g_l entry] ta       left outer join [showtex belgie nv$sales invoice header] tb       on ta.[document no_]=tb.[no_]  ta.[posting date]>'05/01/2015'       , ta.[document type]='2'       , ta.[gen_ posting type]='2' 

strangely enough sql turns out not issu. conversion json.stringify json.parse. had tested before. perhaps negligent. anyways code looks this. when console.log(retval) data still looks correct 100 reccords expected.

retval = json.stringify({result:dataset}); fn(retval);   function fn(retval){     var obj = json.parse(retval);        for(var = 0; i<object.keys(obj.result[0]).length;i++){         console.log(obj.result[i]);     } } 

if console.log(retval) inside fn function still wall of text expected. within statement first 5 records. hmm bet i'm headbutting rookie mistake @ moment. :/

totally depends on want here cheat sheet venn diagrams. http://www.codeproject.com/kb/database/visual_sql_joins/visual_sql_joins_orig.jpg might more logically see doing.


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