model view controller - Understanding MVC in a QAbstractTableModel -

i have data represented class of own ; fix ideas give example.

class myownmodel():   def __init__(self, name="", number=0): = name     self.number = number 

i have list of such instances, want represent in qtableview.

li = [myownmodel("a", 1), myownmodel("b", 2)] 

then see 2 strategies make qtableview :

  1. change myownmodel subclasses qabstracttablemodel
  2. build new qabstracttablemodel mimics myownmodel in way attributes instance 2 qstring , connect datachanged signal function updates instance of myownmodel

i not satisfied of these, have no other idea moment...

which 1 suitable problem ? (i have more complex class in practice use same framework)

as stated in comment, model list of object. should subclass qabstracttablemodel use list.

here's code snippet this:

import sys import signal import pyqt4.qtcore pcore import pyqt4.qtgui pgui  class onerow(pcore.qobject):     def __init__(self):         self.column0="text in column 0"         self.column1="text in column 1"  class tablemodel(pcore.qabstracttablemodel):     def __init__(self):         super(tablemodel,self).__init__()         self.mylist=[]      def addrow(self,rowobject):         row=len(self.mylist)         self.begininsertrows(pcore.qmodelindex(),row,row)         self.mylist.append(rowobject)         self.endinsertrows()      #number of row     def rowcount(self,qmodelindex):         return len(self.mylist)      #number of columns     def columncount(self,qmodelindex):         return 2      #define print in cells     def data(self,index,role):         row=index.row()         col=index.column()         if role==pcore.qt.displayrole:             if col==0:                 return str( self.mylist[row].column0)             if col==1:                 return str( self.mylist[row].column1)      #rename columns     def headerdata(self,section,orientation,role):         if role==pcore.qt.displayrole:             if orientation==pcore.qt.horizontal:                 if section==0:                     return str("column 1")                 elif section==1:                     return str("column 2")  if __name__=='__main__':     pgui.qapplication.setstyle("plastique")     app=pgui.qapplication(sys.argv)      #model     model=tablemodel()     model.addrow(onerow())     model.addrow(onerow())      #view     win=pgui.qtableview()     win.setmodel(model)      #to able close wth ctrl+c     signal.signal(signal.sigint, signal.sig_dfl)     #to avoid warning when closing     win.setattribute(pcore.qt.wa_deleteonclose)     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 

each element of mylist row in table.


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