iphone - Missing icon and storyboard files, iOS 7 and 8, Xcode 6 -

i'm trying submit ios app made xcode 6 using application loader. app works in simulator , in iphone , passes validation in organizer. however, application loader errors missing icons , storyboard files:

  • missing required icon file.
  • your binary not optimized iphone 5.
  • storyboard file 'main~iphone.storyboardc' not found.
  • storyboard file 'main~ipad.storyboardc' not found.

i've gone through stackoverflow , googling, nothing far has helped.

enter image description here

i'm targeting ios >= 7.0 i'm not sure why these errors icon files. have ticked off icons ipad , ios < 7.0 , provided sizes of rest of icons in image.xcassets folders appicon , launchimage. far know, don't need specify particular filenames long i'm using asset catalogs, drag , drop icon files. provided icons ios 6, didn't remove error. tried add default* files in here, without luck. last url in error message doesn't work. missing in info plist?

enter image description here

i tried rename storyboard file main~iphone.storyboard main~iphone.storyboardc, when build error "interface builder storyboard postprocessor error. ibtool not strip 'main~iphone.storyboardc' because not interface builder document.". testing removed support ipad don't know why error ipad storyboard. here target's deployment info:

enter image description here

can please try below

going target -> build phases -> copy bundle resources, , add main~iphone.storyboard file && main~ipad.storyboard file.

then clean project using command + k , check if there error or not 3rd , 4th point.

may resolve wise.


open info.plist file project source xml rather plist, , delete

<key>uimainstoryboardfile</key> <string>main</string> 


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