multithreading - How to run functions on different threads? -

i need functions below run on different threads. think have use concurrent dispatch queue, i'm not sure how hoping help!

first function:

func respondtoswipegesture(sender: uiswipegesturerecognizer) {              switch sender.direction {         case uiswipegesturerecognizerdirection.left:             if self.imageview.tag == 1 {                 println("1 point!")             } else {                 if self.imageview.tag == 5 {                     println("1 point!")                 } else {                     println("game over!")                 }             }         case uiswipegesturerecognizerdirection.down:             if self.imageview.tag == 2 {                 println("1 point!")             } else {                 if self.imageview.tag == 8 {                     println("1 point!")                 } else {                     println("game over!")                 }             }         case uiswipegesturerecognizerdirection.right:             if self.imageview.tag == 3 {                 println("1 point!")             } else {                 if self.imageview.tag == 7 {                     println("1 point!")                 } else {                     println("game over!")                 }             }         case uiswipegesturerecognizerdirection.up:             if self.imageview.tag == 4 {                 println("1 point!")             } else {                 if self.imageview.tag == 6 {                     println("1 point!")                 } else {                     println("game over!")                 }             }         default:             break         } 

second function:

 @ibaction func handleattachmentgesture(sender: uipangesturerecognizer) {     let location = sender.locationinview(self.view)     let boxlocation = sender.locationinview(self.imageview)      switch sender.state {     case .began:       println("your touch start position \(location)")       println("start location in image \(boxlocation)")        // 1       animator.removeallbehaviors()        // 2       let centeroffset = uioffset(horizontal: boxlocation.x - imageview.bounds.midx,         vertical: boxlocation.y - imageview.bounds.midy)       attachmentbehavior = uiattachmentbehavior(item: imageview,         offsetfromcenter: centeroffset, attachedtoanchor: location)        // 3 = attachmentbehavior.anchorpoint = location        // 4       animator.addbehavior(attachmentbehavior)      case .ended:       println("your touch end position \(location)")       println("end location in image \(boxlocation)")        animator.removeallbehaviors()        // 1       let velocity = sender.velocityinview(view)       let magnitude = sqrt((velocity.x * velocity.x) + (velocity.y * velocity.y))        if magnitude > throwingthreshold {         // 2         let pushbehavior = uipushbehavior(items: [imageview], mode: .instantaneous)         pushbehavior.pushdirection = cgvector(dx: velocity.x / 10, dy: velocity.y / 10)         pushbehavior.magnitude = magnitude / throwingvelocitypadding          self.pushbehavior = pushbehavior         animator.addbehavior(pushbehavior)          // 3         let angle = int(arc4random_uniform(20)) - 10          itembehavior = uidynamicitembehavior(items: [imageview])         itembehavior.friction = 0.2         itembehavior.allowsrotation = true         itembehavior.addangularvelocity(cgfloat(angle), foritem: imageview)         animator.addbehavior(itembehavior)          // 4         let timeoffset = int64(0.4 * double(nsec_per_sec))         dispatch_after(dispatch_time(dispatch_time_now, timeoffset), dispatch_get_main_queue()) {             self.resetdemo()         }       } else {         resetdemo()         }      default:         attachmentbehavior.anchorpoint = sender.locationinview(view) = attachmentbehavior.anchorpoint     } 

not sure you're trying (haven't read whole code). still, if sure need run on different queue, here quick example might :

let acustomqueue = dispatch_queue_create("acustomqueuelabel", dispatch_queue_concurrent) let anothercustomqueue = dispatch_queue_create("anothercustomqueuelabel", dispatch_queue_concurrent)  dispatch_async(acustomqueue) {      _ in 0...1000 {         nslog("hello") // println("hello") print char char     } }   dispatch_async(anothercustomqueue) {      _ in 0...1000 {         nslog("world") // println("world") print char char     }  } 

otherwise, might want give @ :


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