XML Validation with XML-Reader in PHP -

i've got errors during validation of generated xml string. loaded xml-string xml-reader , assigned xsd-file validation.

there object ids , urls validate against pattern of allowed characters. think ids , urls correct. why validation process generates errors?

i've got error messages this:

element 'objectid': [facet 'pattern'] value 'ffc89' not accepted pattern '^[a-z]{1,1}[a-z0-9.-]{3,14}$'. element 'objectid': 'ffc89' not valid value of local atomic type. element 'originurl': [facet 'pattern'] value 'http://domain.com/images/89/f972c66982290125.jpg' not accepted pattern '^(http|https){1}(://){1}[a-za-z0-9\-\./#?&_]+'. element 'originurl': 'http://domain.com/images/89/f972c66982290125.jpg' not valid value of local atomic type. 

here code snippet:

$reader = new xmlreader();  // enable user error handling libxml_use_internal_errors(true);  // load xml sructure testing against xsd $reader->xml($xml_str_tocheck); $reader->setschema($xsd_file_name);  // read xml structure while( $reader->read() ) ;  // close xml $reader->close();  // found xml errors $errors = libxml_get_errors();  // disable user error handling // (disabling clear existing libxml errors.) libxml_use_internal_errors(false);  // check if xml not valid if( count($errors) ) {     foreach ($errors $error)     {         echo $error->message;     } } 

this xml-string validation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <oimages startfetchdate="2015-06-10t12:48:20+00:00">   <object>     <objectid>ffc89</objectid>     <images>       <image>         <originurl>http://domain.com/images/89/f972c66982290125.jpg</originurl>       </image>     </images>   </object> </oimages> 

this xsd-file:

<xs:schema attributeformdefault="unqualified" elementformdefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema">   <xs:element name="images">     <xs:complextype>       <xs:sequence>         <xs:element name="object" maxoccurs="unbounded" minoccurs="1">           <xs:complextype>             <xs:sequence>               <xs:element name="objectid" minoccurs="1" maxoccurs="1">                 <xs:simpletype>                   <xs:restriction base="xs:string">                     <xs:minlength value="4"/>                     <xs:maxlength value="15"/>                     <xs:pattern value="^[a-z]{1,1}[a-z0-9.-]{3,14}$"/>                   </xs:restriction>                 </xs:simpletype>               </xs:element>               <xs:element name="images" maxoccurs="1" minoccurs="1">                 <xs:complextype>                   <xs:sequence>                     <xs:element name="image" maxoccurs="unbounded" minoccurs="0">                       <xs:complextype>                         <xs:sequence>                           <xs:element name="url" minoccurs="1" maxoccurs="1">                             <xs:simpletype>                               <xs:restriction base="xs:string">                                 <xs:minlength value="10"/>                                 <xs:pattern value="^(http|https){1}(://){1}[a-za-z0-9\-\./#?&amp;_]+" />                               </xs:restriction>                             </xs:simpletype>                           </xs:element>                           </xs:element>                         </xs:sequence>                       </xs:complextype>                     </xs:element>                   </xs:sequence>                 </xs:complextype>               </xs:element>             </xs:sequence>           </xs:complextype>         </xs:element>       </xs:sequence>     </xs:complextype>   </xs:element> </xs:schema> 

your xml not valid respect xsd.

make following changes xsd:

  1. delete closing tag xs:element on line 31.
  2. change root element name images oimages.
  3. add startfetchdate attribute oimages.
  4. remove leading ^ , trailing $ ^[a-z]{1,1}[a-z0-9.-]{3,14}$ because regular expressions in xsd implied begin , end @ beginning , ending of string.
  5. remove leading ^ ^(http|https){1}(://){1}[a-za-z0-9\-\./#?&amp;_]+.

after making above changes xsd, xml validate against xsd.


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