Drupal Webform : set SCORE on each SELECT Options? -
i have webforms on drupal multiple select options (radio). , in select, want option 1 : gives 2 points, option 2 : give 1 point, etc... after display on webpage : score 12/20 points.
example : bear can ... ?
- 0|white <- response give 2 points
- 1|yellow <- response give 0 point
- 2|brown <- response give 2 points
- 3|dark <- response give 1 points
the question : how store point of select options because there key|value in admin interface? in fact : how add infos each select option row?
the way associate key points. 0 corresponds 2 points, 1 0 point, 2 2 points , 3 1 point. on submission @ user responses , calculate based on responses particular question.
thus under form settings
set redirection location page process logic , redirect there or show output on same page.
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