expressionengine - ExpressioneEngine contains operator doesn't work -
i'm trying have expressionengine check channel field word , if word found, display contents of field.
in case, want search {links-title} word "volunteer" , if word "volunteer" found, display contents of {links-branch}.
here code i'm trying use:
{exp:channel:entries channel="locations-links"} {if links-title *= "volunteer"} {links-branch} {/if} {/exp:channel:entries}
this page: says contains operator *= when use it, page displays blank. literally seems though operator not work. if use == works, in case, {links-title} has "volunteer" , nothing else.
anyone know how going on here?
your question should asked on @ actually. anyway, version of ee using? handling of conditionals changed lot in more recent versions, , using docs latest version of ee. if site not running ee 2.10 better consult docs version using
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