ios - Cocos2D 2.x: Running CCWave action makes sprite disappear -

i can run ccwave actions on sprites no problem, except particular instance. initialize class of mine has ccsprite add ccrendertexture. sprite made adding tile sprite textures ccrendertexture, , removing tiles. can add sprite ccrendertexture child no problem, if add ccwave function , run it, sprite disappears.

        // 1: create new ccrendertexture         ccrendertexture *rt = [ccrendertexture rendertexturewithwidth:width height:height];          // 2: call ccrendertexture:begin         [rt beginwithclear:0 g:0 b:0 a:0];          /* loop tiles             within bounding object's rectangle */          cgpoint tilecoord;          for(int w = 0; w < (width / tilepxwidth); ++w){              for(int h = (height / tilepxwidth); h > 0; --h){                  tilecoord = [tilecoord tilecoordforposition:ccp(x + (w * tilepxwidth),                                                                 y + (h * tilepxwidth))                                                     withmap:themap];                    ccsprite *backgroundtilesprite = [self.background tileat:tilecoord];                  ccsprite *copiedsprite = [ccsprite spritewithtexture:backgroundtilesprite.texture                                                                 rect:backgroundtilesprite.texturerect];                  [copiedsprite.texture setaliastexparameters];                  copiedsprite.position = ccp(8 + (w * tilepxwidth),                                            (8 + (h * tilepxwidth)) - 16);                  // 3: visit update rendertexture (rt)                 [copiedsprite visit];                  [self.background removetileat:tilecoord];              }           }           // 4: call ccrendertexture:end         [rt end];          // 5: create new sprite texture         waterline.tilessprite = [ccsprite spritewithtexture:rt.sprite.texture];           [themap addchild:waterline.tilessprite z:[[themap layernamed:@"background"] zorder]-1];          waterline.tilessprite.flipy = yes;          waterline.tilessprite.anchorpoint = cgpointzero;          waterline.tilessprite.position = ccp(x,y);            [waterlines insertobject:waterline atindex:waterlinenum];          // if add code below, sprite no longer shows up!          id waveeffect = [ccwaves actionwithduration:25                                                size:cgsizemake(1,10)                                               waves:3                                           amplitude:8                                          horizontal:no                                            vertical:yes];          [waterline.tilessprite runaction:[ccrepeatforever actionwithaction:waveeffect]]; 

just few details might curious about. have transparent background in game background can run separately game when scene transitions.

some stuff in delegate:

ccglview *glview = [ccglview viewwithframe:[window_ bounds]                                    pixelformat:keaglcolorformatrgba8                                    depthformat:gl_depth24_stencil8_oes                             preservebackbuffer:no                                     sharegroup:nil                                  multisampling:no                                numberofsamples:0];   [cctexture2d setdefaultalphapixelformat:kcctexture2dpixelformat_rgba8888];  glview.opaque = no; glclearcolor(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);  [cctexture2d pvrimageshavepremultipliedalpha:yes]; 

i realized seems effect has done on spritesheet, not sprite.


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