r - RODBC on an Oracle Database and special characters -

sorry if ask question has been ask, found similar questions (like special characters , rodbc example) in forum no answer me...

so, problem when make query on oracle database, via rodboc in r, can't see correctly special characters in return. r automatically convert (when can) special characters normal characters

here simple test made :

> cnx <- odbcconnect(dsn="mydsn", uid="mylogin",pwd="mypassword") > sqlquery(cnx, paste("select 'eéèêëÄÊÍÕØ' col dual"))          col 1 eeeeeaei?? 

i'm under win7 x64, "mydsn" odbc connection uses "oracle in oraclient12home1" (64 bits). use "r x64 3.2.0" rodbc package version 1.3-11. database on linux server, nls_characterset "we8mswin1252"

i've made other tests understand better :

  • same test odbc connection uses "oracle in oraclient12home1_32bit" "r i386 3.2.0" => same problem
  • same test odbc connection on local sql server => no problem, can see specials characters
  • same query same odbc connection in ms excel => no problem too

i tried play dbmsencoding parameter, "utf-8" same problem, others, different errors...

here sessioninfo()

r version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) running under: windows 7 x64 (build 7601) service pack 1  locale: [1] lc_collate=french_france.1252  lc_ctype=french_france.1252 lc_monetary=french_france.1252 [4] lc_numeric=c                   lc_time=french_france.1252      attached base packages: [1] stats     graphics  grdevices utils     datasets  methods   base       other attached packages: [1] rodbc_1.3-11  loaded via namespace (and not attached): [1] tools_3.2.0 

thank's help


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