vba - combo box to change filters on excel pivot table -

excel 2013. using 3 combo boxes change filters on pivot table. first combo box has "project1", "project2" & all. second combo box has "customer1", "customer2" & all. third combo box has "country1", "country2" & all.

i using 9 pivot tables, of them have filters [project], [customer], [country].

my intention change first combo box project1 & pivot tables filter should change project1.i able that.

however when select first combo box "all". first combo box cell link y1. vba run time error 1004: application-defined or object-defined error.

sub projectname()  activesheet.pivottables("pvt1").pivotfields("project name").clearallfilters activesheet.pivottables("pvt2").pivotfields("project name").clearallfilters activesheet.pivottables("pvt3").pivotfields("project name").clearallfilters      activesheet.pivottables("pvt1").pivotfields("project name").currentpage = range("y1").text     activesheet.pivottables("pvt2").pivotfields("project name").currentpage = range("y1").text     activesheet.pivottables("pvt3").pivotfields("project name").currentpage = range("y1").text  

since first 3 lines of code go without issue, assume pivot table pvt1 , field project name exist. places error somewhere after that.

for call .currentpage 1004 error following reasons:

  • using try , filter field not set report filter. cannot use currentpage filter rows or columns
  • setting value not exist in list of possible values

on second point, call range might relevant.

  • verify value there exists in list of possible ones.
  • also aware using .text use display value of cell , not underlying .value

to resolve these issues, there couple of options:

  • for case want filter data on row or column (and not in filters section) can go through pivotitems , set visible = true/false
  • you can set label filter vba if want instead of manual filter
  • if want check value existing in currentpage, can iterate pivotitems pivotfield , check 1 matches. code similar for each loop check on value, don't set visible.

code setting filter on row or column

sub filterpivotfield()      dim pt pivottable     set pt = activesheet.pivottables("pvt1")      dim pf pivotfield     set pf = pt.pivotfields("c")      pf.clearallfilters      'slow iterates items , sets visible (manual filter)     dim pi pivotitem     each pi in pf.pivotitems         pi.visible = (pi.name = range("j2"))     next      'fast way sets label filter     pf.pivotfilters.add2 type:=xlcaptionequals, value1:=range("j2")  end sub 

picture of ranges

enter image description here


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